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INTERNET GUIDELINES FOR DEALERS We understand that the Internet is a powerful marketing tool, NON-COMPANY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES allowing you to communicate with current and potential ON DEALER WEB SITES customers quickly and easily. It is essential, however, that Advertising or promotion of products and services on deal- the information communicated comply with our dealer and er/distributor Web sites displaying Harley-Davidson Motor distribution sales and services agreements. It must ensure Company trademarks is limited to products and services customer satisfaction and safety, and must also be consis- marketed by the Company and may not include competitive tent with our rights and obligations, copyrights, trademarks, brands or references to competitive-brand Web sites. applicable law and other business agreements worldwide. To make sure this happens, Harley-Davidson has developed INTERNET PROMOTIONS the Web Site Development and Maintenance Policy. Harley-Davidson dealers participating in a Web-based promotion (or any other promotion) should follow the guide- The complete guidelines for dealer Web sites, including the lines as stated in the Authorized Dealer Rights and outlined Web Site Development and Maintenance Policy, linking below: instructions, and the Web site review request form can be found in the Marketing section of • Dealers participating with a regional or a national brand, company, or organization must clearly identify their deal- For more information on creating a Web site or having a ership name and location. Web site linked to, please contact the • A Harley-Davidson Motor Company disclaimer must be Interactive Communications Department at 414.343.8300. included in related content on the promotional Web site. 13 This disclaimer should read, “This promotion / campaign / At this time, Harley-Davidson Motor Company does not sweepstakes / other is not sponsored by Harley-Davidson require Harley-Davidson dealers or distributors to operate Motor Company.” dealer/distributor public Web sites. If a dealer or distributor chooses to develop and maintain an authorized public Web site, the site must follow the Web Site Development and Maintenance Policy, which contains important information on proper use of the following Web site components: DEALER DOMAIN NAMES Dealer domain names should conform as closely as possi- ble to the dealer’s store name. “Harley-Davidson,” if it is included in the dealer domain name, may be used without hyphenation, or abbreviated as “HD”, “H-D”, or “Harley”. Domain names that refer generally to the Company or any of its specific products (e.g.,; harley-; are reserved for use by Harley-Davidson and may not be reserved by any one deal- ership for its exclusive use. Domain names should be regis- tered in the dealer’s name. PROPER DEALER USE OF HARLEY-DAVIDSON TRADEMARKS ON THE INTERNET Dealers are responsible for all Web site content, including any advertising space sold to third parties. All provisions of the Dealer Agreement with respect to use of the Company’s trademarks are in full force and effect on the Internet. The Company’s guidelines (regulating proportions, spacing, colors, type styles, etc.) are in full force and effect on the Internet. All trademarks owned by the Company should be appropri- ately marked with ® or TM. A list of trademarks and their proper markings is available on and should be passed on to the Web site administrator.

Harley-Davidson Brand Book - Page 13 Harley-Davidson Brand Book Page 12 Page 14