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Second-chance hiring is on the rise Fair chance hiring ordinances in California have been around since 2018; however, there has been a significant increase in the proportion of US jobs that include language encouraging applications from candidates with conviction/arrest records (also known as 'felon-friendly' jobs). The pandemic has been a catalyst for second-chance hiring, with these jobs growing dramatically since 2019 both in California and outside it (although California has doubled the proportion of roles specifically calling out second-chance hiring practices). ● In frontline roles, second-chance hiring has seen specific proportional growth in the retail and healthcare sectors. ● In professional roles, second-chance hiring has grown by 50% both in California and outside of California, although the Golden State continues to see twice the proportion of jobs that explicitly call out second-chance hiring practices. ● One of the most significant drivers of expansion is remote roles. These are US-based roles, not based in California, which are remote. 85% of second-chance hiring roles were for jobs not based in California. Growth in second-chance hiring may be due to adoption or expansion: ● Adoption is where companies that did not include references to second-chance hiring in their job posts start adopting references. ● Expansion is where companies that did include references to second-chance hiring have expanded the number of roles they refer to second-chance hiring in. © Tapwage Inc 2022 19

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