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HOW WE CREATE TRADE SHOW DISPLAY PANELS IN THE Illustration of a 30" x 40" trade show display panel HONEYWELL STYLE 1" 3" 30" x 40" Display Graphic Photoshop and Quark Xpress templates are available to use as a starting point to build your graphics. These files are set up at 100%— 30x40, final output at 150 dpi, RGB color. PPrriimmaarryy HHeeaaddlliinnee 21" 26" 100/110 pt. Helvetica Bold Color: Light Gray SSeeccoonnddaarryy HHeeaaddlliinnee 40/50 pt. Helvetica Bold (3 lines max) Color: Light Gray PPaanneell ccoonntteenntt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn 3" Min. 40/50 pt. — Max. 80/90 pt. Helvetica 3" Bullets may be used in this area - they must be round bullets in Honeywell Red. Copy should not go below the Honeywell logotype INSET baseline. This text box is in a fixed position on the horizontal and 11" PHOTO 6" vertical axis. Color: Brilliant White IInnsseett PPhhoottoo ((OOppttiioonnaall)) 2" Size: 6" x 6" Use white frame (4pt.) to set off image from the background. 2.5" 11.5" 7" 5" 47

Honeywell Brand Book - Page 47 Honeywell Brand Book Page 46 Page 48