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HOWWECREATE LITERATURE SPREADS INTHE HONEYWELLSTYLE Inside spreads give us many design elements to work with. All of these elements must work together to communicate our distinctive style. Structure your information so it flows. Maintain legibility. And remember to keep it simple. Never overload a page. Inside spread typography MMaaiinn SSpprreeaadd HHeeaaddlliinnee 50 pt. Helvetica Medium, size may vary with length of copy (minimum of 30 pt.) Color: any primary, secondary or tertiary color SSuubb HHeeaaddlliinnee 9.5/10.5 pt. Helvetica Bold Color: any primary, secondary or tertiary color BBooddyy CCooppyy 9/14 pt. Helvetica Light or 10/15 pt. Helvetica Light, point size may vary with length of copy. Color: any primary, secondary or tertiary color CCaappttiioonnss 8/9.5 pt. Helvetica Light Color: Total Black 33

Honeywell Brand Book - Page 33 Honeywell Brand Book Page 32 Page 34