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HOWWECREATE A4 LITERATURE 1.246cm 3.796cm1.246cm IN THE HONEYWELLSTYLE 2.497cm Overall cover dimensions: 21cm x 29.7cm 19.097cm Do not place any copy in the image area of the brochure cover. Honeywell cover options: Please reference the “How We Create Literature in the Honeywell Style” 1.246cm 2.497cm Cover Typography PPrroodduucctt oorr SSeerrvviiccee NNaammee 20 pt. Helvetica Bold, limit copy length to one line. Color: Total Black or Brilliant White, if placed on black background. 5.662cm PPrriimmaarryy HHeeaaddlliinnee 22/24 pt. Helvetica Bold Color: Brilliant White or Total Black depending on Global Arc color SSeeccoonnddaarryy HHeeaaddlliinnee 12/14 pt. Helvetica (all caps) Color: Brilliant White or Total Black depending on the color below Global Arc - color must match that of the band at the top 1.246cm 2.497cm 1.246cm 3.796cm 39

Honeywell Brand Book - Page 39 Honeywell Brand Book Page 38 Page 40