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HOWWECREATE DATA SHEET Data sheets give us a lot of information to work with. All of these APPLICATIONS IN THE elements must work together to communicate our distinctive style. HONEYWELLSTYLE Structure your information so it flows. Maintain legibility. And remem- ber to keep it simple. Never overload a page. Overall cover dimensions: 8.5" x 11" PPrroodduucctt NNaammee ((ooppttiioonnaall)) 20/24 pt. Helvetica Bold Color: any primary or secondary color SSeeccoonnddaarryy HHeeaaddlliinnee 12/14 pt. Helvetica (all caps) Color: any primary, secondary or tertiary color BBooddyy CCooppyy 9/14 pt. Helvetica Light or 10/15 pt. Helvetica Light, point size may vary with length of copy. Color: any primary, secondary or tertiary color The address block and copyright information are in fixed positions for Data Sheet applications. See diagram for correct placement. Back cover should be Brilliant White. PPrriinnttiinngg When printing any literature containing photography, Honeywell Red should be printed as PMS 485 (CMYK equivalent my be used for digital printing only). Paper should be 100# Opus Cover, Dull White 1.0" 0.5" 0.5" 1.5" 1.5" 3.08" 38

Honeywell Brand Book - Page 38 Honeywell Brand Book Page 37 Page 39