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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix Product reuse and recycling vendors Vendors with identified nonconformances must Reuse and recycling vendor audits Energy efficiency We work with a global network of vendors to submit corrective action plans within 30 days and provide product reuse and recycling services address those items within 90 days. In extreme to customers around the world. To promote cases, we will cease business with vendors that 2019 2020* 2021 Energy consumed by our products during use is transparency and drive social and environmental lack sufficient transparency or are unwilling to Initial audits 4 10 10 among the largest contributors to our carbon and standards in the electronics industry supply make the changes we require. Repeat audits 30 21 15 water footprints. To help our customers decrease chain, we publish a detailed list of our reuse and energy consumption and GHG emissions, we Through ERM, HP audited 25 vendor facilities in Countries 24 22 14 design for energy efficiency and offer convenient recycling vendor sites, updated annually. 14 countries during 2021. This represented 23% Major nonconformances 59 82 50 service-based solutions that are designed to of reuse vendor facilities and 32% of recycling identified deliver increased value to customers through Vendor audits * reduced environmental impact and capital costs. vendor facilities. This included repeat audits of Major nonconformances 100% 100% 100% Our specialized reuse and recycling vendors are 15 vendor facilities to evaluate their efforts to resolved** We use multiple metrics to assess progress and required to follow environmentally responsible improve performance. Because 28% of major Immediate priority findings 1 4 3 drive improvement. processing techniques and comply fully with nonconformances occurred at sites audited for relevant regulations. HP prefers our vendors to * 2020 data is revised due to calculation errors in the methodology the first time, HP’s engagement brought best from the previous year. attain third-party certification (R2, e-Stewards, or practices, enabling immediate performance ** As of May 2022. WEEELABEX), in line with EPEAT® and HP Recycling improvements. HP has closed investigations of 2025 GOAL Standards. In addition, we commission third-party 100% of the major nonconformances identified audits to monitor vendor conformance with our in 2021. All sites with major nonconformances Reduce HP product-use GHG emissions intensity Categories of major 26 high standards and ensure that returned items will be re-audited the following year to determine by 30% by 2025, compared to 2015 are processed appropriately. We contract with whether improvements are sustained. nonconformance PROGRESS THROUGH 2021 Environmental Resources Management (ERM) to percentage of total 25 HP has achieved this goal for the second year audit vendors for conformance with the following Immediate priority findings are the most serious in a row, with a policies and vendor standards: type of vendor nonconformance, and require 2019 2020* 2021 immediate action. During site audits in 2021, Health and safety 34% 43% 29% • Export of Electronic Waste to Developing three immediate priority findings were identified Environment 14% 16% 13% Countries Policy at two recycling vendor sites upon re-audits. In all cases, we worked closely with the vendor to Hazardous substance/ 10% 5% 12% 39% • HP Supplier Code of Conduct emergency response decrease through 2021, compared to 2015 • Reuse and Recycling Standards resolve and close the findings. This underlines the Insurance 5% 4% 4% (therefore, we will not report on this goal importance of revisiting these vendor locations in moving forward) HP uses a risk-based approach to prioritizing the following year to confirm closure is sustained. Subvendor use and audits 3% 7% 13% reuse and recycling vendor audits, and all vendors Other** 34% 25% 29% Read a statement from ERM. * must undergo an audit at least every three years. 2020 data is revised due to calculation errors in the methodology Vendors are assessed on environmental, health, from the previous year. and safety practices and performance, and ** Includes site security and controls, management systems, labor, data destruction, transboundary shipments, and approved audits ensure there is no “leakage” of materials to dispositions of processed materials. Findings related to data facilities outside our approved vendor network. destruction were limited gaps in processes, not breaches of data security. 74 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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