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Transformation of Work - Automated skills assessment: AI can help you assess your current skills and identify new skills that you need to acquire in order to advance your career. This can enable you to stay updated with the latest industry trends and develop the skills required to stay com- petitive. - Automated job matching: AI can help you find the right job opportunities that best match your skills and experience. By leveraging AI algorithms, you can get personalized recommendations for job postings that are most suitable for you. - Automated resume optimization: AI can help you create the perfect resume that highlights your skills and experience. You can use AI algorithms to identify the best combination of words and phrases to make your resume stand out. - Automated job interview preparation: AI can help you prepare for job interviews by providing personalized guidance. You can use AI algorithms to analyze the job description and identify the questions that you will likely be asked during the interview. It feels like GPT-4 is having the terms “automated” and “algorithms” do a lot of work there. Nonetheless, the advice seems sound. My personal “human intelligence” take is that AI can serve as your co-captain as you steer the ship of your career. The core insight of The Startup of You is that your career is like a startup, and you are its CEO. Being a startup CEO is a lonely and stress- ful job, full of uncertainty and paralyzing dilemmas. One way to make the job a bit more manageable is to build a personal board of advisors who can help and support you, but even that approach has its limitations. 115

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 122 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 121 Page 123