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Impromptu: Amplifying Our Humanity Through AI Your board members, being human, won’t always be avail- able to talk. GPT-4 and other such AI tools can serve as an AI advisor, helping you analyze any situation and generate options, and will do so on-demand, at any time, in a matter of seconds. GPT-4’s suggestions won’t always be immediately helpful, but they will provide something to react to and build on, which is better than being stuck with a blank page. The transformation of management Shortly after Ben and I published The Startup of You, we real- ized that creating a new framework for how individual profes- sionals should approach their careers also created the need for a new framework for how employers and managers should work with these newly empowered and entrepreneurial pro- fessionals. So we asked our old friend Chris Yeh to explore those implica- tions with us in a second book, The Alliance. That book’s thesis is that organizations and managers are using outdated metaphors to think about the employment relation- ship. Many CEOs want to think of their employees as family, but family implies a permanent and virtually unbreakable relationship that just isn’t practical in the modern workplace. Other leaders go too far in the other direction, conceiving of their employees as purely free agents, making it nearly impos- sible to build trust, loyalty, and long-term value. The better metaphor, we assert, is to think of employees as allies—independent entities who come together to pursue an important shared mission, complete with an explicit agree- ment about what constitutes success and how success makes 116

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 123 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 122 Page 124