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Education GPT-4: Other examples of how large language models can help teachers include: A teacher can use large language models to create cus- tomized quizzes or tests for each student based on their learning goals, progress, and preferences. The AI can generate questions that match the student’s level of dif- ficulty and learning style, as well as provide immediate feedback for each answer. The teacher can monitor the results and adjust the instruction or support accordingly. Large language models could help teachers create personalized learning paths for large classes of students by analyzing their prior knowledge, skills, interests, and goals, and generating adaptive and engaging content, activities, and assessments that match their needs and preferences. For example, a large language model could suggest content, projects, and peer interactions for each student, while providing feedback and guidance along the way. Large language models could help teachers design and facilitate collaborative learning experiences for large classes of students by generating prompts and scenar- ios to foster creative problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork. For example, a large language model system could create simulations or games that challenge students to work together in groups to address real-world issues or questions, and provide feedback and scaffolding to support their collab- oration and learning outcomes. A teacher can use large language models to facilitate interactive discussions or debates among students on various topics or issues. The AI can act as a moderator or a participant, providing prompts, questions, facts, opinions, or counterarguments that stimulate critical thinking and dialogue. The teacher can observe the 39

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 46 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 45 Page 47