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Impromptu: Amplifying Our Humanity Through AI and there’s no thesis in this whole essay.’ I mean, that’s one-on-one feedback.” NYT interviewer: “Yeah.” Ms. Shields: “It would take me about a week to get through—I have eighty essays to do at a time. So about a week later, I get to give them [the students] feed- back. But this is going to give them instant feedback . . . I’ll say, ‘Have this evaluate your essay for ideas and content, or for sentence structure, or for organization, and then go ahead and take that feedback—that per- sonalized feedback—and improve your essay.’” NYT interviewer: “That’s amazing.” Ms. Shields: “Yeah.” The ratio of students to teachers in K–12 education in America is 15:1. Since that includes a great deal of special education and other 1:1 staffing situations, many high school English teachers will have thirty or more students in a classroom, and must give feedback to over a hundred students at a time. This can amount to twenty or more hours of extra work per week. Immediate personalized feedback for every student essay, even if imper- fect, could transform the work experience of English teachers around the country. And tenth-grade English essays may be just the start. Reid: GPT-4, give short examples—not including the example of generating immediate essay feedback—of how large language models could help teachers get leverage and deliver great instruction to large classes of students. 38

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 45 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 44 Page 46