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FY21 ESG Disclosures July 2022 Unaudited 28 Culture Survey – Action Planning & Next Steps For each strategic priority area, we developed detailed action plans and identified executive sponsors to be visible champions in driving progress. Our Senior Leadership Team is responsible and accountable for ensuring we make improvements, and we cascaded survey results to team leaders globally, tailored to their specific regions and business units to inform planning and decision-making regarding their people. To further foster transparency across the organization and showcase how employee voice is shaping the future of Jacobs’ culture, we shared the survey results, follow up priorities and action plans with all employees via channels including global townhalls, email communications, and targeted briefings from team leaders and HR partners. All employees also had access to a dashboard so they could personally review results. To continually evaluate progress in the six strategic priority areas and identify new opportunities for growth, we will conduct smaller, periodic pulse surveys, with the first deployed in January 2022. We will analyze these results to measure performance against our action plans and inform decision making to continue enhancing culture and employee engagement. Table 13. Employee Engagement Metric FY19 (Brand Survey) FY21 (Culture Survey) Employee engagement (% of actively engaged employees) 40% 62% Data coverage (% of total employees provided with survey) 100% 100% Response rate (% of total employees who responded to survey) 15% 50% SOC.3 Inclusion and Diversity – Strategy Creating a Culture of Belonging At Jacobs, we are committed to creating a culture of belonging where everyone can thrive — a culture that we call TogetherBeyond ℠ . Creating this culture allows us to recruit and retain the best global talent and drive innovative solutions for our business, clients and communities. Through TogetherBeyond, we tackle topics that are important to our employees such as equality, conscious inclusion and allyship. While providing training and resources to our people is important – over 97% of them have completed our Advocate & Ally inclusion learning program – equally effective are the regular authentic and courageous conversations the members across our eight grassroots employee networks are creating around these topics. We are committed to holding all leaders accountable to making sure that broad-based diversity is reflected in their own teams, using data analytics to measure our progress with the same rigor and transparency as our financial performance metrics. Inclusive behaviors are now a key formal component of all our leaders’ performance and salary reviews, and all leaders at Vice President (VP) level and above are required to mentor two or more junior members of staff, at least one of whom must have a different lived experience from themselves (for example, on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, geography, disability or veteran status). With this framework in place, we can be confident of delivering on bold, aspirational goals such as those of our 2025 aspirational 40:40:20 goal (40% men, 40% women and 20% any gender) to ensure we are propelling a new generation of diverse visionary thinkers throughout our company.

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