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Stakeholder Group How We Engage SHAREHOLDERS We engage shareholders on important topics including corporate governance, shareholder rights, executive compensation and sustainability. • We communicate to shareholders through our Annual Report and Proxy Statement, Securities and Exchange Commission filings, press releases and the Firm’s website. In addition, we engage with shareholders through quarterly earnings calls, investor meetings and conferences, annual shareholder meetings and other forums. We conduct a formal shareholder outreach program focused on topics including corporate governance, shareholder rights, executive compensation and sustainability. In these meetings, management shares information and provides updates on these topics, addresses questions and solicits shareholders’ perspectives and feedback. Directors participate in these meetings as appropriate. Following each shareholder outreach program, shareholders’ areas of focus and feedback are shared with the Board. • In 2021, we had approximately 90 engagements with nearly 70 shareholders, representing approximately 46% of the Firm’s outstanding common stock. • We also engage in dialogue with shareholders outside these more formal channels. These engagements provide us with useful feedback, which we consider when developing the Firm’s processes, practices and strategic direction. REGULATORS AND POLICYMAKERS We strive to maintain an open, ongoing dialogue with our global supervisory regulators and other policymakers. We believe that responsible corporate citizenship demands a strong commitment to a healthy and informed democracy through civic and community involvement. • We engage with policymakers on a range of issues, including banking, financial services, cybersecurity, workforce development, small business, tax, trade and inclusive economic growth, among others. We engage with regulators as necessary to conduct business and provide commentary on proposed changes to relevant regulations affecting our business. ESG RATERS We recognize that our clients, shareholders and other stakeholders are interested in our performance on a range of ESG matters. We regularly engage with ESG raters to provide them with information relevant to the Firm. • We engage in open, transparent dialogue with rating agencies in order to better understand their methodologies and scoring, correct discrepancies and provide feedback. Our Corporate Sustainability and Investor Relations teams manage our relationships with ESG rating agencies and lead our efforts to identify and implement enhancements to policies, procedures and practices that can improve our ESG performance and address any known issues. • We also spend time and resources to educate relevant internal stakeholders about ESG ratings so they are prepared to respond to questions from clients about the subject. RESEARCH ANALYSTS We strive to meet the information needs of members of the investment community, including both financial and ESG analysts and researchers. • We provide extensive information to members of the investment community, including both financial and ESG analysts and researchers, through reports, presentations, quarterly earnings, regulatory filings, conferences and publications on our website. In addition, we respond to surveys and specific information requests, and engage with analysts and researchers through calls and meetings. SUPPLIERS We engage in dialogue with our key suppliers on topics including our ability to operate efficiently and effectively, deliver products and services that meet our clients’ and customers’ needs, manage risk and controls and drive our diversity, equity and inclusion agenda. • We interact with our key suppliers on a frequent basis through various channels, including regular business reviews, ad hoc meetings, phone, town halls and email. We are committed to holding our suppliers to high standards of business conduct and integrity, and we work together to make a positive impact in the communities where we do business. 53 INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE Corporate Governance and ESG Oversight Stakeholder Engagement Risk Management Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Business Ethics Political Engagement and Public Policy ESG REPORT APPENDICES

JPMorgan Chase & Co ESG Report - Page 55 JPMorgan Chase & Co ESG Report Page 54 Page 56