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Operational Sustainability Reducing the environmental impact of our physical operations is an important part of becoming a more sustainable organization. Our direct environmental impacts stem primarily from the operation of our more than 6,000 corporate offices, bank branches and data centers. Our approach to operational sustainability consists of two key components: managing our carbon footprint by reducing our direct and indirect GHG emissions; and enhancing resource management and efficiency, which includes responsible stewardship of water, waste and other key resources across our operations. Managing Our GHG Footprint Creating actionable strategies for reducing our GHG footprint depends on having clear and comprehensive insight into our emissions sources and performance. Since 2005, we have been measuring and publishing our operational GHG emissions and using that data to inform our strategies for reducing both our direct and indirect emissions, as well as offsetting the impact of the emissions we are not yet able to eliminate. Our 2021 Operational GHG Footprint JPMorgan Chase’s 2021 operational GHG emissions were driven by two primary activities: powering our buildings (e.g., electricity, heating and cooling) and business travel. Scope 1 GHG emissions include those from building operations and company-owned aircraft and vehicles. Scope 2 emissions, from purchased electricity, are the largest driver of our building-related emissions and overall operational GHG footprint. The majority of our business travel-related emissions are Scope 3 emissions from commercially operated air and rail; reimbursed personal vehicle and rental car travel; and hotel stays. A small portion of our business travel emissions are Scope 1 emissions from company-owned aircraft and vehicles. In 2020, we committed to achieve carbon neutrality across our operations annually. This commitment includes Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions from building operations and company-owned aircraft and vehicles; Scope 2 (indirect) GHG emissions from purchased electricity; and Scope 3 (indirect) GHG emissions associated with business travel. In 2021, we met our carbon-neutral goal for the second year in a row, using carbon offsets to help us achieve neutrality. We are committed to maintaining carbon neutral operations each year going forward. Our strategy to maintain carbon neutral operations is focused on the following: • Improving efficiency. Reducing energy use is our first priority. We continue to undertake a variety of energy efficiency measures – for example, optimizing the use of heating and cooling in our buildings – and to expand their implementation across our operations. • Sourcing renewables. Next, we are focused on installing on-site solar systems at JPMorgan Chase properties and establishing long-term renewable energy procurement agreements (e.g., Power Purchase Agreements and green power supply contracts). We are working to increase the proportion being met with on-site renewable energy and off-site long-term renewable energy contracts to 70% or more by 2025. In 2021, over 20% of our renewable procurement came from these solutions. • Purchasing Energy Attribute Certificates ("EACs") and carbon offsets. To continue to meet our commitment to source renewable energy for 100% of our global power needs annually and address the remainder of our direct and indirect emis - sions, we purchase applicable EACs (e.g., Green-E certified Renewable Energy Certificates ("RECs"), International-RECs) and verified carbon offsets. OUR EMISSIONS REDUCTION PATHWAY To build on our commitment to carbon neutral operations, in 2021 we announced a new target to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location-based) emissions by 40% by 2030 versus a 2017 baseline. As of the end of 2021, we had reduced Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by approximately 15%. Moving forward, we intend to make further progress by increasing our direct use of renewable energy, upgrading existing heating and cooling systems and optimizing building space. Over time, as we strive to reduce our operational emissions through these measures, we anticipate needing to buy fewer offsets to neutralize our emissions. On our website, you can find more information related to our environmental data . 17 INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL Advancing Climate and Sustainability Solutions Operational Sustainability SOCIAL GOVERNANCE ESG REPORT APPENDICES

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