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Political Engagement and Public Policy JPMorgan Chase believes that responsible corporate citizenship demands a strong commitment to a healthy and informed democracy through civic and community involvement. Our business is subject to extensive laws and regulations, and changes to such laws can significantly affect how we operate, our revenues and the costs we incur. Because of the impact public policy can have on our businesses, employees, communities and customers, we engage with policymakers on a range of issues – including banking, financial services, cybersecurity, workforce development, small business, tax, trade and inclusive economic growth, among others – to advance and protect the long-term interests of the Firm. The Firm’s political engagement and public policy activities are managed by Global Government Relations. This organization and leadership helps us focus the Firm’s political engagement efforts on those public policy issues most relevant to the long- term interests of the Firm overall and to our clients and shareholders. Another important way we advocate for policy is through the JPMorgan Chase Policy Center, which works to publish sustainable, evidence-based policy solutions to drive inclusive economic growth in the U.S. and around the world. In 2021, we continued our focus on federal and state policy changes to remove barriers to employment for people with criminal backgrounds, as part of our Second Chance Agenda. We also focused on policies to enhance racial equity, expand opportunities for underserved communities and continue the economic recovery following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as expanding the Earned Income Tax and Child Tax Credits, modernizing unemployment insurance and increasing the minimum wage. We belong to several trade associations that advocate on major public policy issues of importance to the Firm and the communities we serve. The Firm’s participation as a member of these associations comes with the understanding that we may not always agree with all the positions of an association or its other members, and that we are committed to voicing our concerns as appropriate. The Public Responsibility Committee of our Board of Directors provides oversight of our positions and practices on public responsibility matters, including significant policies and practices regarding political contributions, major lobbying priorities and principal trade association memberships that relate to the Firm's public policy objectives. We aim to operate with the highest standards of public transparency in political spending. Our efforts have been recognized by the CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability as a "Trendsetter" with an overall score of 97.14%. The Firm discloses on its website contributions made by the Firm's political action committees, contributions of corporate funds made in connection with ballot initiatives and information about our governance and oversight practices. 59 INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE Corporate Governance and ESG Oversight Stakeholder Engagement Risk Management Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Business Ethics Political Engagement and Public Policy ESG REPORT APPENDICES

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