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Our color specifications for tints CMYK RGB HEX Liberty Yellow 0 / 11 / 100 / 0 255 / 208 / 0 #FFD000 In addition to our brand colors, we have a palette of Yellow 80 0 / 8 / 80 / 0 255 / 219 / 80 #FFDB50 neutral accent colors that can be used as support colors in our communications. These include tints that we can Yellow 60 0 / 6 / 60 / 0 255 / 226 / 128 #FFE280 use on occasion, though less frequently than the primary versions of each color. Yellow 40 0 / 4 / 40 / 0 255 / 234 / 169 #FFEAA9 We use CMYK values for print applications and HEX values for digital applications. In some instances, such Liberty Blue1 100 / 100 / 38 / 45 26 / 20 / 70 #1A1446 as when using Pantone® spot colors, match to Pantone® Blue 90 90 / 90 / 30 / 30 41 / 37 / 79 #29254F solid-coated swatches or solid-uncoated swatches for uncoated stock. Liberty Dark Teal 100 / 12 / 21 / 44 6 / 116 / 140 #06748C Liberty Medium Teal 75 / 16 / 31 / 0 40 / 163 / 175 #28A3AF Liberty Teal 60 / 0 / 20 / 0 120 / 225 / 225 #78E1E1 Teal 80 47 / 0 / 16 / 0 153 / 229 / 234 #99E5EA Teal 60 35 / 0 / 12 / 0 174 / 237 / 237 #AEEDED Teal 40 23 / 0 / 8 / 0 201 / 243 / 244 #C9F3F4 Teal 10 4 / 0 / 10 / 0 242 / 252 / 252 #F2FCFC Liberty Dark Gray 44 / 34 / 22 / 77 52 / 55 / 65 #343741 Gray 90 0 / 0 / 0 / 90 64 / 64 / 64 #404040 Gray 81 0 / 0 / 0 / 81 86 / 86 / 86 #565656 Gray 69 0 / 0 / 0 / 69 112 / 112 / 112 #707070 Gray 29 0 / 0 / 0 / 29 192 / 191 / 192 #C0BFC0 Liberty Blue should not be used as a tint, Gray 10 0 / 0 / 0 / 10 230 / 230 / 230 #E6E6E6 with the exception of the single-color print solution for Liberty Atmospheric White. Liberty Atmospheric White / Gray 4 0 / 0 / 0 / 4 245 / 245 / 245 #F5F5F5 Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction 18

Liberty Mutual Brand Book - Page 18 Liberty Mutual Brand Book Page 17 Page 19