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When to use photography ›hotography is featured priarily in consuerŸfacing touchpoints. Lifestyle iagery is appropriate in tactics that drive consideration of our brand while contextual photography ay be used to support custoer touchpoints that engage and educate. œoe exaple tactics° • €ore collateral aterials such as an auto brochure • Onsite aterials such as booth bac drops • c™uisition eail • Organic social • ˆero on digital product pages ¤ Why use photography¨ £e use photography to increase relatability and connect with consuers. nd our essage can be enhanced by counicating a believability that resonates with our audience. £e do that by featuring lifestyle iagery that captures a slice of life in spontaneous everyday oents allowing space for realistic iperfections. Sna„ on „osSna„ on „ostt on on and and ee lore on. lore on. ProtecProtectt all the thin all the thinggss that mak that makee y yoou, yu, yoou.u. ¯oin tousands o‡ †uaifid En‹oEn‹o€€ cus custto­i¦o­i¦d auto and nts insud auto and nts insuaanc nfits as ¨a ­­©nc nfits as ¨a ­­© custo­s aad€ saving° o‡ ¨Univo‡ ¨Univsitsit€€ o‡ Rio ’ o‡ Rio ’aand – Rio ’nd – Rio ’aand Co­­unitnd Co­­unit€€ Cog – Au­ni Cog – Au­ni Sav u„ to ‰ŒŠŸ Association©‚Association©‚ª W’ œ„ €ou covd it nfits iœ Ho­ Co­„ut Endos­nt Endos­nt « Accidnt Fogivnss¬ and a Muti™®oic€ Discount‚ So €ou on Auto ‘nsuanc¢ ¤†or ore inforation on the role of photography can ‡can ‡oocus on doincus on doingg at € at €oou ou ovv at o­ and on t oad‚ at o­ and on t oad‚ Rnt’s ‘nsuanc We customi¦e. as o as ‰ˆŠ–­ont¤ within the digital portfolios reference the Liberty Ho­–condo ‘nsuanc ‰ou could save ©€š‚ as o as ‰¥¥–­ont Mutual esign œyste at ContacContactt me f me foor yr yoour cusur custtomiomiee uote uote.. First Name Last Name ¨Tit ± Dsci„tion© ¨Addss Lin 1© AFFINITY LOGO Headshot ¨Addss Lin ˆ© ¨Cit€© ¨Stat© ¨²i„cod© ³®´ ¨Nu­© Eƒt ¨Nu­© Outside Liberty« ¨E­ai© Cint µ¨¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥© €ontact your ar eting partner for assistance ¨AR–CA–MN Licns© or eail uscbrandguidelines“ AAUUTTOO  HHOMEOME  RRENTERSENTERS  UUMBRELLAMBRELLA  MMOOTTOORCYRCYCCLELE  CCONDOONDO  WWAATTERCRAFTERCRAFT 1 ˆ Discounts and saDiscounts and savvininggss a a a avvaaia  sia  sttat aat as and guations aos and guations ao and ­a and ­a€€ v vaa€€  €€ s sttatat‚‚ T Too t  t ƒƒtnt „­ittnt „­itttd d €€ a a a„„icants a individua€ und a„„icants a individua€ undititttn… not a a„„icants ­an… not a a„„icants ­a€€ †uai‡ †uai‡€€‚‚ Wit ou o„tiona Ho­ Co­„ut Endos­ntHo­ Co­„ut Endos­nt   i co i covv u„ to ‰ u„ to ‰11ŠŠ ŠŠŠŠ ‡ŠŠ ‡oo € €oou co­„uts and s­au co­„uts and s­att„on„onss su‹c su‹ctt to a ‰ŒŠ dduc to a ‰ŒŠ dducttii‚‚ Ž ACC‘DENT FOR’‘“ENESS NOT A“A‘LABLE ‘N CA‚ T­s and conditions a„„€‚ ” Œ AAvvaagg annua sa annua savvininggss asd on count asd on count€€id suid suvv€€ o‡ n cus o‡ n custto­s ‡o­ •–1–1Œ to •–1–1— o „oo­s ‡o­ •–1–1Œ to •–1–1— o „ottd sad savviningg ‡o­ „io „­iu­s n t ‡o­ „io „­iu­s n t€€ s sitcd to Liitcd to Litt€€ Mutua‚ Sa Mutua‚ Savvininggss co­„aison do co­„aison doss not a„„€ in MA not a„„€ in MA‚‚ T figu figu aas asd on t as asd on t avvaagg „­iu­ ‡ „­iu­ ‡oo nts „oici nts „oiciss it itttn n ttn Œ–1”–1” ™ ”–n Œ–1”–1” ™ ”–ŽŽŠŠ––1Œ1Œ‚‚ Co Covvaagg „o „ovvidd and undidd and undititttn n €€ Li Litt€€ Mutua ‘nsu Mutua ‘nsuaanc Co­„annc Co­„an€€ o its susidiai o its susidiaiss o affiiat o affiiatss 1›Œ Bœ 1›Œ Bœ€€ St Sttt BosBostton MA Šon MA Šˆˆ11—11—‚‚ Li Litt€€ Mutua ‘nsu Mutua ‘nsuaanc is icnsd in a ŒŠ snc is icnsd in a ŒŠ sttatatss and t Dis and t Distticictt o‡ Cou­ia‚ A igts  o‡ Cou­ia‚ A igts ssvvd‚ ©d‚ ©ˆˆŠŠ11Ÿ LiŸ Litt€€ Mutua ‘nsu Mutua ‘nsuaancnc AFF—•—ŸŒŠ¡1— CW ˆŠ1Ÿ–1Š TTis ogani¦ation civis ogani¦ation civss financia su„„o financia su„„ott ‡ ‡oo off offiningg tis auto and o­ nfits „og tis auto and o­ nfits „ogaa­‚­‚ Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction ”‚

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