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Color for „uttons €olor is a powerful tool in the digital space for signaling clic ability and directing the user’s eye to calls to action. …utton text is sentence case (capitaližing the first letter of a sentence or headline) which helps set a friendly tone. ›riary œecondary ‰nverse Button Button on’t use an inverse button £hite on £hite. Button Button on’t use an inverse button tospheric £hite on tospheric £hite. Button on’t use an secondary button Button Liberty …lue on Liberty …lue. on’t use a priary button on’t use a secondary button Button Liberty ¢ellow on Liberty ¢ellow. on Liberty ¢ellow. ›lease re™uest a ›œ ‰ or œ etch file for button teplates fro ¡œ€M…randœtandards“ Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction 2 …

Liberty Mutual Brand Book - Page 21 Liberty Mutual Brand Book Page 20 Page 22