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Using i„erty ‰ellow Liberty ¢ellow is a ey part of our identity strategy. £ar and highly visible it helps differentiate our counications in a very copetitive ar etplace as long as we use it in a strategic and consistent way. ˆow we use Liberty ¢ellow is as iportant as why. ¡sing it in sart and varied ways helps us aintain its freshness and relevance. Šo identify Šo highlight the key „enefit †s a canvas †s a detail Liberty ¢ellow can be used as a Liberty ¢ellow can be used as a Liberty ¢ellow can be used as Liberty ¢ellow can be used sign eleent to draw attention spotlight or highlighter to draw a differentiated bac drop on to engage our audiences in to our logo on applications. attention to essaging. thirdŸparty applications to draw exciting and unexpected ways. attention to our essage. ›ou got our bacŒ. We’ve got yours. s a proessional firefighter, your hard worŒ, training, and dedication are what Œeep your community sae. nd that commitment should be rewarded. s a member o ˆ, you could save ¡Š• with customi¢ed auto and home insurance.£ nd you can set your mind at ease with benefits liŒe these¤ Accident Forgivenessœ Better Car Reacementž Loss ForgivenessŸ our Caims Assistance Contact me for your customized quote. [First Name] [Last Name] –—˜ ™€umš „xt ™€umš ™„mailš AUTO | HOME | LIFE | RENTERS | UMBRELLA | MOTORCYCLE | CONDO | WATERCRAFT 1Discounts and savings are available where state laws and regulations allow, and may vary by state. Certain discounts apply to specific coverages only. To the extent permitted by law, applicants are individually underwritten; not all  ‚ applicants may qualiy. or qualiying customers only. ccident orgiveness is subect to terms and conditions o iberty utual’s underwriting guidelines. €ot available in C, and may vary by state. ƒptional coverage in some states. AFF686950-10 2019/06 vailability varies by state. „ligibility rules apply. …†ubect to eligibility requirements. ‡enefits and eligibility requirements may vary by state. Coverage provided and underwritten by iberty utual ˆnsurance and its affiliates, 1Š‹ ‡erŒeley †treet, ‡oston,  Ž11‘ ’†. „qual “ousing ˆnsurer. ©Ž1• iberty utual ˆnsurance Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction 2 3

Liberty Mutual Brand Book - Page 23 Liberty Mutual Brand Book Page 22 Page 24