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Using i„erty Šeal Liberty „eal is an iportant eleent of our overall palette. erived fro the œtatue of Liberty’s patina its presence on our layouts differentiates us fro other yellow brands. ¡sing Liberty „eal correctly is extreely iportant. †s a violator ‰t’s a strong color and a little can go a long way œhort ey essages gain the viewer’s overpowering Liberty ¢ellow. ¬efer to the color attention when highlighted within a wheel on page 2§ for the ideal color balance. teal circle. Note: Teal may break into yellow on print materials only. Do not run lengthy text within a circle. †s a call to action „eacon Within an image Liberty „eal behind an icon  natural never contrived can be used as a sign eleent appearance of teal within an to draw attention to our call iage reinforces our brand. to action in print. We customi‘e your auto insurance’ you Who better to give advice to working mothers than working moth- ers? Mentorship can provide anything from advice to a different could save $586. perspective. Find out more Ask me how As an alumni of „tate University usto“i”ed coverage of Šew ‹orŒ at Albany you can enŽoy as uni‚ue as your business. great €rotection at a great €riceƒ ­ere’s no business ‚uite liƒe yours. ­at’s ­y in partners­ip it­ „regon …estaurant † Lodging ssociation ‡„…Lˆ Liberty Mutual nsurance orƒs ­ard to understand it and deliver coverage specific to your needs. ‰e bring you Š0‹ years of partners­ip it­ t­e „…L and an eŒclusive Žroperty uto and Liability ‘afety ’roup Dividend Žrogra“ for ‚ualifying „…L “e“bers.* ‰­en you orƒ it­ us you’re orƒing it­ t­e #1 preferred business insurer.** TTo o llearn earn mmoreore,, ttalk alk tto o yyoour ur iindependent ndependent aaggeentnt//brokbrokeerr or or vvisit isit LLiberiberttyMutualGroupyMutualGroup..ccom/usineom/usinesss.s. * Dividend evaluation occurs annually; dividends are not guaranteed. Auto | Home | Life | Renters | Umbrella | Motorcycle | Condo | Watercraft ** Based on 2019 survey of business insurance buyers on preference of national carriers sold via independent agents. *Average annual savings based on countrywide survey of new customers from 00 to 00 w­o re€orted t­eir €rior insurers’ €remiums w­en t­ey switc­ed to Liberty Mutual’s grou€ auto and ­ome €rogramƒ „avings do not a€€ly in MAƒ Coverage €rovided and …†R‡00ˆ CW 0‰0 ©2020 Liberty Mutual nsurance. nsurance underritten by Liberty Mutual nsurance o. Boston M or its affiliates or subsidiaries. Liberty Mutual brand guidelines GRM U.S. section—September 2020 (Version 2.3) Confidential—Internal use only—Content not for reproduction 2 ”

Liberty Mutual Brand Book - Page 24 Liberty Mutual Brand Book Page 23 Page 25