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Overview In this section, we repo爀琀 on the allocation of net proceeds in 昀椀scal year 2021, as well as the cumulative total allocation for our Sustainability Bond in the Repo爀琀ing Period, for each of our eight Project Categories. For more detail on our allocation and expected impact by repo爀琀 year and bond tranche, see Tables 3 and 4 in the Appendix. Energy e昀케ciency For more than a decade, we’ve worked to make Google data centers some of the most e昀케cient in the world by optimizing our use of energy, water, and materials. In 2021, we allocated net proceeds from our Sustainability Bond to two additional data center campuses—in Quilicura, Chile, and Changhua County, Taiwan—as well as to our data center campuses in St. Ghislain, Belgium, and Hamina, Finland, which had previously received an allocation. This brings our cumulative total allocation to $1.02 billion in capital expenditures related to the expansion and improvement of energy-e昀케cient facilities and infrastructure at four data centers across three continents. The average annual power usage e昀昀ectiveness (PUE) in 2021 across these four data center campuses was 1.10, compared with the industry average of 1.573 —meaning that these data centers use, on average, about six times less overhead energy. Clean energy At Google, we’ve made it a top priority to become more energy e昀케cient and to match 100% of the annual electricity consumption of our global operations with purchases of renewable energy. In 2021, we allocated net proceeds from our Sustainability Bond to three additional renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPAs) as well as other projects that had previously received an allocation. One of the three additional projects that received an allocation in 2021 is a 昀椀rst-of-its-kind agreement in Europe with ENGIE, a large European utility, to help ensure that our operations in Germany will run on nearly 80% carbon-free energy on an hourly basis. This brings our cumulative total allocation to $1.75 billion in expenditures and contractual commitments to purchase electricity from renewable energy sources. This includes a total of 45 PPAs across three continents with a combined capacity of approximately 5.3 gigawa琀琀s. These are all long-term projects new to the grid that meet our criteria of additionality. We estimate that these renewable energy PPAs combined will avoid nearly 25 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) emissions. Alphabet Sustainability Bond Impact Report 2022 Featured projects and impact 12

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