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Green buildings Our sustainability priorities for workspaces are guided by Google’s company-wide sustainability values and are applied everywhere we operate—from our Bay Area headqua爀琀ers to our o昀케ces and data centers in over 190 cities spanning nearly 60 countries. In 2021, we allocated net proceeds from our Sustainability Bond to seven new building projects, including King’s Cross in London and Arnulfpost in Munich, as well as other projects that had previously received an allocation. This brings our cumulative total allocation to $2.47 billion in capital expenditures related to the design, construction, and improvement of 14 green buildings. These buildings total nearly 807,000 square meters (8.7 million square feet) and are on track to achieve LEED Platinum ce爀琀i昀椀cation. Clean transpo爀琀ation To mitigate carbon emissions and take cars o昀昀 the road, we’re se琀琀ing ambitious goals for helping Googlers transition to shu琀琀les, carpooling, public transit, biking, and walking. There’s also a growing number of EVs in our Google-owned and -operated commuter program 昀氀eet, and we provide EV charging stations for personal vehicles. In 2021, we allocated net proceeds from our Sustainability Bond to one new EV charging infrastructure project, as well as other projects that had previously received an allocation. This brings our cumulative total allocation to $22 million in expenditures and contractual commitments related to 昀椀ve clean transpo爀琀ation projects, such as initiatives related to the electri昀椀cation of Google 昀氀eet vehicles, investment in our EV charging stations, and expenditures related to our bike programs. This allocation suppo爀琀ed the operation of nearly 4,000 EV charging po爀琀s in the United States and Canada. Circular economy and design We’re commi琀琀ed to maximizing the reuse of 昀椀nite resources across our operations, products, and supply chains and to enabling others to do the same. We’re applying our circular economy principles to design out waste, keep products and materials in use, and promote healthy materials and safe chemistry. In 2021, we allocated net proceeds from our Sustainability Bond to one new project related to waste reduction e昀昀o爀琀s as well as to other projects that had previously received an allocation. This brings our cumulative total allocation to $8 million in expenditures related to seven circular economy and design projects. This includes a so昀琀ware system that we use in our kitchens to track and reduce pre-consumer food waste. Since 2019, this so昀琀ware system has helped Google prevent over 1.4 million kilograms (3.1 million pounds) of food going into the waste stream. Alphabet Sustainability Bond Impact Report 2022 Featured projects and impact 13

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