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Impact by bond Table 4 provides an overview of the expected environmental and social impacts of Eligible Projects by 2020 Sustainability Bond tranche. Impact metrics for the 2025 Notes, 2030 Notes, and 2050 Notes are derived from the allocation of net proceeds provided in Table 3. Table 4 EXPECTED IMPACT BY BOND ACROSS GREEN AND SOCIAL ELIGIBLE PROJECT CATEGORIES Eligible project categories Impact metric(s) Expected impact 2025 NOTES 2030 NOTES 2050 NOTES Reporting year Unit 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 Cumulative (Cumulative) (Cumulative) (Cumulative) total Energy efficiency Average annual PUE at PUE 1.09 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.10 5 data center campuses Emissions expected Clean energy to be avoided by tCOe 2,607,500 4,343,500 5,851,500 9,746,000 6,433,000 10,714,000 24,803,500 6 2 renewable energy PPAs Office space expected Green buildings to achieve LEED m² 73,000 141,000 163,000 317,000 179,000 349,000 807,000 7 Platinum certification Clean transportation EV charging ports8 Ports 600 700 1,400 1,600 1,600 1,700 4,000 Circular economy Pre-consumer food and design waste prevented kg 198,500 248,500 445,500 558,000 490,000 613,500 1,420,000 in cafés9,10 Affordable housing Conventional affordable Units 300 550 700 1,200 800 1,300 3,050 11 housing units Commitment Loans expected to close to racial equity to SMBs focused on the Loans 470 650 1,060 1,450 1,170 1,600 3,700 12 Black community Support for small businesses Loans expected Loans 2,350 8,200 5,300 18,450 5,850 20,300 46,950 13 and COVID-19 to close to SMBs crisis response Alphabet Sustainability Bond Impact Report 2022 Appendix 17

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