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Endnotes 1. Alphabet’s 2020 Sustainability Bond Framework is aligned with the Green Bond Principles, dated June 2018, the Social Bond Principles, dated June 2020, and the Sustainability Bond Guidelines, dated June 2018, as administered by the International Capital Market Association. 2. Consistent with Appendix A in our Independent Accountants’ Report, please see the following notes that apply to our eligibility criteria: Note 1: For power purchase agreements executed during the Reporting Period, proceeds are considered allocated upon contract execution. The Allocated Amount is calculated as the net present value of future cash flows based on estimated annual production in megawatts and power price over the contract term. For power purchase agreements executed prior to the Reporting Period, proceeds are considered allocated for services received during the Reporting Period, based on the amount invoiced. Note 2: For capital or contractual commitments including investment funds or venture capital investments, proceeds are considered allocated upon contract execution based on the agreed upon amount within the contract. Note 3: For all other expenditures, the Allocated Amount is calculated as the amount invoiced during the reporting period. 3. According to the Uptime Institute’s 2021 Data Center Survey, the global average PUE of respondents’ largest data centers was around 1.57. 4. The reported 2021 allocation to the 2050 Notes of the Support for small businesses and COVID-19 crisis response project category has been adjusted due to rounding. 5. Since we expect that the construction of new or expanded facilities on data center campuses will support the maintenance or improvement of the campus-wide PUE, we’ve reported the impact metric as the average annual PUE in 2020 and 2021 for the campuses that received allocation in those years. 6. For agreements signed prior to 2019, emissions avoided by renewable energy PPAs are estimated by multiplying the actual renewable energy generated (in megawatt-hours) in 2019, 2020, and 2021 by location-based GHG emission factors for each respective grid region. For agreements signed during 2019, 2020, and 2021, emissions avoided by renewable energy PPAs are estimated by multiplying the expected renewable energy generation (in megawatt-hours) by location-based GHG emission factors for each respective grid region over the expected lifetime of each PPA, considering projected year-over-year changes in emission factors due to grid decarbonization. U.S. emission factors were sourced from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s eGRID (Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database; 2020 data). Emission factors for all other countries were sourced from the International Energy Agency’s Emissions Factors 2021. Reported emissions are rounded to the nearest 500. 7. Square meters of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum certified office space are estimated by adding the expected gross square meters of the 14 green building projects for which we plan to ultimately pursue LEED Platinum certification once complete. Reported square meters are rounded to the nearest thousand. 8. Number of EV charging ports is calculated by summing the number of EV ports at our offices in the United States and Canada as of December 31, 2021. Bond proceeds were allocated to installations of EV charging ports as well as operating costs in the Reporting Period. Reported ports are rounded to the nearest hundred. 9. Pre-consumer food waste prevented in cafés is estimated by summing the difference between each café’s change in food waste weight compared with its baseline, set prior to implementing food waste reduction and behavior modification tools, for all Google offices participating in the Leanpath program combined. Reported kilograms are rounded to the nearest 500. 10. In 2019, we were able to track and report pre-consumer food waste prevention for the entire year. In 2020, pre-consumer food waste prevented in our cafés was tracked only from January to March due to limited café operations during the global pandemic. In 2021, we continued to experience limited café operations due to the global pandemic. Pre-consumer food waste prevented in our cafés in 2020 has been reflected in our 2022 cumulative impact metric. 11. Affordable housing units enabled are estimated by summing the number of units expected from affordable housing projects with loans under contract as of December 31, 2021. The expected number of units enabled may be reduced by up to 365 units to reflect a change in scope for one of the affordable housing projects financed by Google, which may reduce the 2021 expected impact and 2022 cumulative expected impact figures for the Affordable Housing category. Expected units are rounded to the nearest 50. 12. Loans to SMBs focused on the Black community are estimated by dividing our total amount committed to OFN for small businesses focused on the Black community by the average loan size as of December 31, 2021. Loans are rounded to the nearest 10. 13. Loans to SMBs are estimated by dividing the total amount committed to each respective investment partnership by the average loan size for that partnership as of December 31, 2021. Loans are rounded to the nearest 50. Alphabet Sustainability Bond Impact Report 2022 Appendix 18

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