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MGM Resorts Social Impact & Sustainability

Annual Report | 2021 | 20 pages


A Letter From Bill Hornbuckle and Bill Hornbuckle Rose McKinney-James CEO & PRESIDENT CHAIR, CORPORATE SOCIAL Rose McKinney-James RESPONSIBILITY & SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE, BOARD OF DIRECTORS At MGM Resorts, our success relies upon our ability to For the last of these strategic pillars, this period of heightened Furthermore, in addition to our goals related to diverse supplier pursue and achieve the objectives of a diverse coalition of reflection has resulted in a renewed commitment to and, in spend, we recently developed a diversity cash investment stakeholders. Our employees, customers, communities and some cases, even an expansion upon our Environmental, Social strategy and have completed deposits in regional minority shareholders all bring with them individualized interests, and Governance (ESG) goals. We developed our framework banks and minority depository institutions. some competing and some complementary, but all sharing for these goals in 2018, in alignment with the United Nations More details about these and other goals, as well as our their origin in a desire for progress and collective gain. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Some significant progress against them, can be found in the body of this report corporate strategy we pursue is an amalgamation of these examples include ensuring that by 2025 we: and on This document tells the story of human and people focused interests – a grand coalition • Foster diversity and inclusion by spending at least 10% of how MGM Resorts remains focused on embracing humanity among our many parts on the best way to move forward and our annual, domestic, biddable procurement dollars with and protecting the planet – efforts that truly matter to invest in a brighter future. diverse suppliers. achieving the objectives of our stakeholders, to the health and Over the last two years, the economy rapidly evolved in • Invest in our communities by donating 5 million meals longevity of our communities and environment, and, ultimately, ways that no one could have predicted. Chief among the through our Feeding Forward program. to the success and profitability of our company. many disruptions we now face are significant changes to the We hope you enjoy the contents of this document and that it labor market and an upending of the global supply chain. • Protect the planet by reducing carbon emissions per square clearly demonstrates our sincere and unwavering commitment In response we’ve been nimble, finding new and innovative foot by 45% against a 2007 baseline. to our ESG principles. ways to hire, deploy and retain talent and to source the wide We are already making great strides towards these and our array of products needed to maintain our properties and to other ESG goals. In fact, by bringing the MGM Resorts Mega continue offering a high standard of guest service. Solar Array online last June, we made significant progress This same period of disruption has created an opportunity for against the Protecting the Planet goals listed above. We have us to reassess the needs of our stakeholders and, based on this also submitted two additional goals for review by the Science- refined understanding, reinvent who we are as a company and Based Targets Initiative (SBTi): where our collective purpose lies. We strive to be the world’s • To reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions premier gaming entertainment company and seek to achieve by 50% by 2030. that through a five-fold strategy focused on customer centricity, product innovation, global leadership, financial stewardship • To source 100% renewable electricity in the United States and, most pertinently for this letter, leadership on the world’s and 80% globally by 2030. most pressing issues – be they environmental, social, or a combination of the two. MGM Resorts International / 2

A Letter From Jyoti Chopra Jyoti Chopra CHIEF PEOPLE, INCLUSION AND SUSTAINABILITY OFFICER For MGM Resorts, 2021 was a year of recovery and reinvention. We spent our days confronting MGM Resorts is a company diversely comprised of wonderful, hard-working creative people a distorted labor market and supply chain landscape while rethinking and reshaping the way we all striving to achieve our collective aims. We have a long history of focusing on what matters do business along the way. to our stakeholders, including the establishment, pursuit and achievement of goals that enrich our communities, safeguard our planet and leave behind a better world for all. We remain as For our employees, the story is one of perseverance and overcoming obstacles. Our guest- committed as ever to these principles and to further elevating our aims and accomplishments in facing staff found ways to creatively “say yes” to our customers during a slow but steady ramp this space. up to normal operations. Our corporate employees and leaders worked behind the scenes to maintain and improve upon the framework of support that underpins our commitment to I hope this report provides you with valuable insight into how and why we’ve established our excellent guest service. Collectively, their tireless efforts carried us through a transformative global leadership goals and where we stand in achieving them. We are, as always, committed to year and made us a stronger, more resilient company poised for growth and achievement in the transparency around our Social Impact & Sustainability policies as well as providing disclosures years to come. The executive leadership team is enormously grateful to all our employees for in directional alignment with prevailing third-party ESG frameworks. their exceptional contributions. Please note that this year’s document is an Executive Summary. Supplementary reports with Over the course of the past year, we committed ourselves to listening to and learning from our more thorough details and specific data can be found on the company’s social impact and employees to better understand our culture and organizational identity. Through this work, we sustainability section on discovered and distilled a common language that unites us across properties, regions and roles. Our past and ongoing success is a product of our deep commitment to the customers we serve and the colleagues alongside whom we work. Who we are can be summed up in our cultural values, where we desire to: • Captivate our audience through WOW! experiences. • Inspire excellence in one another by pursuing high standards. • Champion inclusion for all people, groups, and identities. • Win together by collaborating in all things and celebrating our shared success. The Park MGM Pool Operations Team was named MGM Resorts’ SHOW Service Excellence Award winner for the second quarter of 2021. The team was selected for its work in driving excellent guest service, promoting engagement, improving processes and fostering a culture of recognition. MGM Resorts International / 3


FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS REPORTING SCOPE Statements in this Social Impact & Sustainability Report that are not Unless noted the program descriptions and data in this report represents historical facts are forward-looking statements, within the meaning of the our primary market of the USA. Some of our metrics, including most Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve risks and/or environmental metrics, are consolidated globally. Where that is the case, uncertainties, including those described in the MGM Resorts International they are indicated as such. We intend to increase the global consolidation (“MGM Resorts”) public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. of ESG metrics as systems and capabilities allow. Unless indicated, data is provided for calendar year 2021 (January 1 - December 31, 2021). The company has based forward-looking statements on management’s current expectations and assumptions and not on historical facts. Examples COMMITMENT TO TRANSPARENCY of these statements include, but are not limited to, the company’s We are committed to transparently informing our stakeholders on our Social expectations regarding the company’s Environmental, Social, and Impact & Sustainability polices, goals, programs, and performance. We are Governance (ESG) initiatives and the company’s ability to achieve its ESG also committed to increasing the level of assurance of ESG performance data. goals. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Among the important factors that could cause actual results This report provides a summary of progress against our 2025 goals, and a to differ materially from those indicated in such forward-looking statements subset of our broader ESG performance metrics. On the ESG disclosures include effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic and market page of our ESG website (available at we transparently conditions in the markets in which the company operates, and competition disclosed a much more robust set of metrics, detailed performance against in the markets in which the company operates, and competition with other goals, and additional metrics. On the same web page we also provide destination travel locations throughout the United States and the world, the disclosures directionally aligned with prevailing third party ESG frameworks design, timing and costs of expansion projects, risks relating to international including: CDP (formerly Climate Disclosure Project), GRI (Global Reporting operations, permits, licenses, financings, approvals and other contingencies Initiative), SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) and the TCFD in connection with growth in new or existing jurisdictions and additional risks (Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures). and uncertainties described in the company’s Form 10-K, Form 10-Q and Form 8-K reports (including all amendments to those reports). GOVERNANCE Our CEO and President as well as our Board of Directors’ CSR & Sustainability In providing forward- looking statements, the company is not undertaking Committee are responsible for governing our environmental and social any duty or obligation to update these statements publicly as a result of new responsibility policies and programs. These are supported by our information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. If the governance-related polices including our company’s Code of Business company updates one or more forward-looking statements, no inference Conduct and Ethics, and Conflict of Interest Policy. should be drawn that it will make additional updates with respect to those other forward-looking statements. Additional resources on our governance can be accessed at EXTRA-FINANCIAL INFORMATION This Social Impact & Sustainability Report includes certain extra-financial data and information that is subject to measurement uncertainties resulting from limitations inherent in the nature and the methods used for determining such data. The selection of different but acceptable measurement techniques can result in materially different measurements. The precision of different measurement techniques may also vary. MGM Resorts International / 5

Social Impact & Sustainability Goals Status Achieved to achieve by year end 2025 On track Enhancing efforts ALL SOCIAL IMPACT & FOSTERING DIVERSITY INVESTING IN OUR PROTECTING SUSTAINABILITY PILLARS & INCLUSION COMMUNITIES THE PLANET* Train 100% of employees in Ensure all employees have Expand support of nonprofit Reduce carbon emissions per management on Social Impact equal access to leadership workforce development and square foot by 45% & Sustainability policies and opportunities education programs to 40% of goals Corporate cash donations Women in management Award 600 post-secondary Reduce energy per square foot (global) scholarships to children of by 25% employees (U.S.) Racial diversity in Surpass 1.12 million cumulative Reduce water per square foot management (U.S.) volunteer hours through the by 33% Employee Volunteer Program (U.S.) Spend with diverse suppliers at least 10% of domestic biddable Exceed $120 million in cumulative Reduce materials disposed procurement (U.S.) employee donations through the per square foot by 60% MGM Foundation (U.S.) Expand Supplier Diversity Achieve 75% participation in Mentorship Program to achieve a domestic employee donations milestone of 150 graduates (U.S.) to the MGM Foundation (U.S.) Donate 5 million meals through our Feeding Forward program (U.S.) * 2007 baseline, global ADDITIONAL 2030 Reduce absolute Scope 1 & 2 Source 100% renewable Source 100% cage-free eggs ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS carbon emissions by 50% by electricity by 2030 (U.S.) (U.S. currently, global in future) 2030 (2019 baseline, global) MGM Resorts International / 6


FOSTERING DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION We know the importance of respecting each other’s differences. We endeavor to embrace and leverage those differences to achieve best-in-class experiences and cultivate stronger ties with our guests, employees, neighbors and partners. We are committed to taking strong and principled stands on issues of equality and aim to better unify our world. MENTORSHIP PROGRAM LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT All MGM employees can benefit from a 6-month program to advance MGM Resorts is committed to a multi-year education strategy to their skills, network with colleagues and navigate their careers. train 100% of employees in management on our Social Impact & Participants not only receive guidance from their mentor but also Sustainability practices, with a deeper dive in our DE&I initiatives. have access to resources and learning modules to enhance their professional development. COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS GLOBAL SALES This open forum encourages dialogue between leadership and diverse MGM Resorts is proud to welcome groups from our diversity partners. cohorts of employees to help shine a light on how the company can Forty organizations held events, meetings and conventions at our improve on our efforts to foster diversity, equity and inclusion within properties in 2021. the company and across our communities. EMPLOYEE NETWORK GROUPS For over ten years, these groups have helped connect, engage, inspire and develop our employees. We have 12 affinities and 16 chapters across our U.S. locations. SUPPLIER DIVERSITY We are committed to supporting minority-owned, women-owned and socio-diverse businesses to strengthen our pipeline of goods and services. Our Supplier Diversity Mentorship Program elevates the professional development of our vendors enabling them to improve their operational efficiencies which contributes to a positive economic impact in our communities. NATIONAL DIVERSITY RELATIONS MGM Resorts partners with over 100 organizations and advocacy groups to empower diversity segments including African American, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Native American, Latino/Hispanic, LGBTQ+, Military/Veterans, Persons with Disabilities and Women. These relationships help us create an inclusive workforce, identify diverse talent, provide leadership development opportunities and demonstrate our commitment to our communities.

Fostering Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: 2021 Highlights MGM Resorts is committed to taking strong and principled stands on issues of equality and aims to better unify our world. Suggestions from our employees have led to the creation of initiatives that provide professional growth and development as well as a project that impacts Southern Nevada’s economic development. Collaboration with our employees and business partners supports our value of diversity and inclusion by building trust, transparency and understanding. COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS professional and personal growth. The six-month program pairs that will house a garden in the Historic Westside neighborhood. a mentee with a colleague at least one career-level above them, Moving forward, departments including food and beverage, As the national conversation around social justice emerged, and together they work to develop the employee’s knowledge, design and development, supplier diversity, environmental MGM Resorts launched a new initiative entitled: “Focused on skills and abilities. The first year of the program included 346 sustainability and human resources will collaborate to ensure What Matters: Courageous Conversations.” This open forum employees representing different genders and backgrounds. the success of the 100 Plan. between leadership and diverse cohorts of employees helps Moving forward, the program will be offered every six months The Courageous Conversations initiative will continue to grow shine a light on how the company can improve on our efforts to with employees expected to meet with their mentor for at least into 2022. We will focus on expanding partnerships within foster diversity, equity and inclusion internally and across our one hour each month. the community, identifying areas to create more inclusive communities. benefit structures, providing cohorts with event and workshop 100 Plan Following the very first cohort of more than 30 African opportunities and supporting those in need during times of American employees in 2020, MGM Resorts committed to From the African American cohort arose an interest in creating hardship. partnerships with external organizations to proactively attract adding additional cohorts of employees representing various 21-CSR-7702-010 Freight Farming Facility Container Wrap r2 ON 461” x 95.5” CMYK OPTION 1 African American talent to MGM Resorts. With this, the 100 1 demographics, with the intention of moving in a direction 10 72 that is most impactful to employees and the community while Plan was born. The proposed vision had two parts: 1) Strategic continuing on the path to positive change in 2021. alignment with historically Black colleges and universities for recruitment purposes, and 2) Direct financial support to Since making this commitment, we’ve conducted sessions with communities where we operate for economic development. five cohorts of employees, including women, African American, Addressing the first part of this vision, we partnered with the HISTORIC WESTSIDE Latino/Hispanic, Asian American and Pacific Islander and Thurgood Marshall College Fund, which provides scholarships, LGBTQ+. Together with MGM Resorts CEO and President, Bill capacity building and programmatic support to students across URBAN FARM Hornbuckle, and MGM Resorts Board Committee Chair, Rose historically Black colleges and universities. McKinney-James, the employees were encouraged to share candid views on the state of the country and company, ask In response to the plan’s second component, MGM Resorts questions and make suggestions. Working groups were then granted $500,000 to the Nevada Community Foundation to created to gather key takeaways and make progress in areas restore and reconnect the historic west side of Las Vegas, including human resources, benefits, internal programming, a predominantly Black neighborhood near downtown where upward mobility and community outreach. households earn less than half the citywide median income and where residents have felt the effects of disinvestment Mentorship Program for decades. Goals for investment in the Historic Westside When analyzing discussions from each cohort, we discovered a neighborhood focus on reconnecting community, creating and common underlying takeaway: employees expressing interest in celebrating opportunity and housing stability. increased opportunities for growth and leadership. As a result, As part of these ongoing efforts to reconnect the community, the we launched an employee-wide mentorship program, designed City of Las Vegas and Freight Farms Greenhouse is preparing a to help employees progress their careers through structured, site for the spring 2022 arrival of two MGM-branded containers self-directed learning accessible to anyone with a desire for MGM Resorts International / 9


INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNITIES As a member of the communities in which we operate, we believe it is our responsibility to contribute to the social and economic progress of where we live. We aim to sustain and build on the best of a community, advancing workforce opportunities, education and food security in all our regions. We are passionately committed to philanthropy, volunteerism and community engagement. VOLUNTEERING MGM RESORTS FOUNDATION Commitment to Volunteering The MGM Resorts Foundation is a nonprofit organization We have a very active employee volunteering program created to engage our employees in addressing the through which our employees have volunteered nearly a needs of the communities where we operate. million hours of time. Community Grant Fund VolunteerREWARDS The Community Grant Fund supports programs that Our VolunteerREWARDS Program allows employees benefit our communities via grants to local nonprofits. to earn a donation to their nonprofit of choice for their Funding decisions are made by Community Grant community service efforts. For every 20 volunteer hours, Councils, committees of employees who represent their employees are eligible for a grant up to $1,500 per year. respective regions. Through this fund, families and individuals receive assistance with food, housing, health and wellness services, education or employment. Employee Emergency Grants MGM Resorts provides employees and their immediate families with short-term assistance during unexpected hardships and emergencies. Grants are used to cover hardship expenses such as food and clothing assistance, temporary housing, rent, mortgages, and medical bills. Matching Gifts CHARITABLE GIVING MGM Resorts launched the Matching Gifts Program in June 2021 in an effort to encourage and promote & PRIORITIES employee giving through the MGM Resorts Foundation. One-time employee donations to the Community Grant Company Charitable Giving Fund of up to $10,000 per year are eligible to be matched MGM Resorts regards community engagement as a by the company. fundamental part of our business philosophy. Each year, we make contributions to nonprofits that reflect aspects of our community life in the regions where our employees live and work. Workforce Development To further strengthen the economic livelihood, capacity and resiliency of our communities, we support employment and vocational training programs for young adolescents and adults. Education MGM Resorts prioritizes providing access to quality education. We support programs ranging from STEM education for underserved students to scholarships for minorities and children of MGM Resorts employees. Hunger Relief In addition to providing grants focused on feeding people within our communities, MGM Resorts combats food waste and food insecurity by collecting and preserving untouched food from our resorts and providing it to those in need. We have donated more than 3 million meals since 2016. MGM Resorts International / 11

Investing in Our Communities: 2021 Highlights As a company, we’re commited to investing in the local communites where we opperate. We are passionately committed to active engagement through volunteerism, community and civic engagement and philanthropic opportunities — from global commitments to meeting local area needs. MGM Resorts is focused on supporting causes and organizations that provide people with the resources needed to survive and thrive. Amari, a 12th grader in the Clark County School District, has Wraparound Teaching Program Makes been blind since birth and struggled with distance learning High Schoolers Our Business Partners during the COVID-19 pandemic. In August of 2020, Amari began attending the Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, an High school students are helping MGM National Harbor organization supported by MGM Resorts and the MGM Resorts identify ways to better connect with front-line employees. Foundation, that is committed to providing expanded core MGM Resorts partnered with Junior Achievement of curriculum, extracurricular activities, social opportunities and Greater Washington on the organization’s 3DE program, a transitional skills to children who are visually impaired. The transformative re-engineering of the comprehensive high organization has three primary goals: increasing high school school experience to better reflect the real world and prepare graduation rates, increasing employment for young, blind students for life beyond the classroom walls. Through this adults and inspiring students to reach their full potential and program, which received funding from MGM National Harbor, live as contributing members in the community. students have the opportunity to apply academic concepts With immediate access to the expanded core curriculum to real-world applications. They are exposed to a breadth of classes, Amari learned to not only use the assistive technology different industries and professions and use critical thinking to needed to complete his assignments, but also thrived in other develop skills for success. blind-specific classes such as independent living, orientation Over a five-week period, more than 100 students from Potomac and mobility, socialization and employment training. The High School in Prince George’s County, Maryland and more program offers additional options to children just like Amari, than 200 students from Ballou High School in Washington, DC including lessons in cooking, pottery, musical instruments and worked through a case study to help MGM National Harbor how to catch the bus. determine a solution to improve employee communications. “The whole reason that we exist and that we are here in this The ninth graders were divided into groups and matched with 12,000 square-foot learning center is all because of MGM business coaches from MGM National Harbor’s executive Resorts,” says Emily Smith, Chief Executive Officer of the team. During the last week the student group presented their Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation. “I’m so grateful for what recommendations to the property management. we’ve done already, where we are right now and the foundation “It was wonderful and inspiring to see the creative ideas that MGM Resorts has helped us to create. It truly sets us up presented by the students. We are strong supporters of this Finding a Path for Amari for a huge, successful future.” program and plan to continue to work with Junior Achievement Lack of advocacy and support resulted in a struggle for Amari to provide students insight into the world of hospitality,” said When the pandemic shuttered school districts around the and so many other visually impaired children. With the help Danielle White, MGM Resorts Vice President of Community country, educators and parents were forced to develop of the Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, Amari received Engagement, Social Impact & Sustainability. innovative solutions for keeping children engaged in learning. resources designed to educate and empower, allowing him With virtual education quickly becoming the new normal, to embark on his own personal journey towards reaching his students with school-issued laptops learned by watching their full potential. teachers through a computer screen. But what happened to blind students who didn’t have the tools to access this new mode of education? MGM Resorts International / 12

Investing in Our Communities: 2021 Highlights Be the Change You Want to See Employees Mobilize to Fight Food Insecurity MGM Resorts Internal Audit Manager Marsha Butler has According to a 2021 annual report by Feeding America, Nevada is ranked eighth among states a simple but impactful philosophy on giving back: be the with the highest overall food insecurity rates. The Silver State has an alarming rate of 15.2%. change you want to see in the world. And she has some In Clark County, one in every seven residents is considered food insecure–a number stemming sound advice for her colleagues. primarily from poverty and unemployment. “If there are issues or causes you are personally impacted or Local nonprofit organizations play a vital role in making a difference in the lives of the county’s moved by, find a way to get involved,” Marsha said. “There most vulnerable families. In Southern Nevada, The Just One Project inspires people to give are hundreds, if not thousands of organizations that could back by mobilizing volunteers to help build stronger, healthier communities. In 2021, 66 MGM use our help. Find an organization that calls to you and give Resorts employees contributed 209 volunteer hours to the organization, with employees it a shot!” packing and distributing food for drive-thru food banks to benefit Southern Nevada’s food In 2011, Marsha began her volunteer journey with SafeNest. insecure population. She learned about the organization, which provides services “The Just One Project makes an enormous impact in fighting food insecurity throughout our to people affected by domestic violence, while attending community,” said Katherine Ragia, community engagement specialist at MGM Resorts. “Our a volunteer fair hosted by MGM Resorts. Now, after a volunteers feel good about the work they do because they have direct contact with The Just decade of service at SafeNet and a host of other nonprofit One Project clients. They have a tangible effect on the lives of clients who benefit from the organizations, Marsha has earned a reputation as a tireless volunteer and passionate advocate for organization’s critical programs.” at-risk children. Contributions from MGM Resorts extend beyond volunteer hours. The MGM Resorts She was honored to participate in SafeNest’s Camp Hope, a free, week-long summer camp Foundation also issued an $80,000 grant to help fund The Just One Project’s Food For All experience for children who are victims of domestic abuse. The program’s specialized curriculum program, which includes the distribution of fresh groceries to food insecure communities, is designed to provide children with skills they need to break the cycle of generational violence, a community market, senior grocery assistance, senior commodities and the delivery of all while spending time outdoors at a traditional summer camp adventure in Utah. Marsha groceries to homebound clients. Additionally, MGM Resorts supported The Just One Project underwent intensive training and even took her vacation to coincide with the camp. “I love kids through corporate giving in 2021, contributing funds for workforce development programming and the chance to make a difference in someone’s life,” she said. Relentlessly dedicated and and food for seniors and families. always present, she has become a role model and makes a lifelong positive impact on the growth and development of the children in the program. Even during the pandemic, when help was needed more than ever but most people stayed home, Marsha ramped up her efforts, continuing her work at SafeNest and volunteering to tutor children working through distance learning. In addition to her unwavering commitment to SafeNest, Marsha volunteers with her Internal Audit department colleagues, and the team has participated in a variety of group community service projects at Ronald McDonald House, Blind Center, Catholic Charities and Junior Achievement. With an unequivocal passion for volunteerism and more than 300 volunteer hours logged between 2017 and 2020, Marsha placed in the top three for the 2021 Governor’s Points of Light Awards. This noteworthy recognition, which celebrates the extraordinary volunteer efforts of Nevadans, is the highest volunteer honor bestowed by Nevada volunteers and the state. Marsha continues to seek out opportunities to help and lead by example to inspire those around her, always adhering to her own sage advice to be the change she wants to see in the world. MGM Resorts International / 13


PROTECTING THE PLANET We believe a greener business is a better business and environmental leadership is critical to 21st century corporate leadership. We preserve the environment by reducing water, energy and waste, while increasingly purchasing environmentally preferable materials. We are committed to renewable electricity and being a global leader in the fight against climate change. CLIMATE Resort-Level Climate Risk Assessment In 2021, we undertook a detailed climate risk and opportunity assessment to identify and assess the climate-related risks and opportunities facing our company. Additionally, we assessed resort-level physical climate risks, ENERGY gaining knowledge for property-specific risk mitigation planning. LED Lighting Solar Electricity We have installed over 1.4 million Light Emitting Diodes (LED) in one of At the end of 2021, MGM had approximately 110MW of installed solar America’s largest lighting retrofit projects. capacity. Our bold action to decarbonize our electricity supply is helping us enable strong progress on our interim and long-term climate goals. Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) Efficiency We have invested tens of millions of dollars in HVAC efficiency projects including multiple central plant upgrades and over 1,000 variable speed DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT drives on fans, pumps and motors to ensure less energy is needed to move air and liquids around our buildings. Certified Buildings Nearly 90% of MGM Resorts’ portfolio (by square feet) is certified to one or more of the following environmental certifications: LEED (majority LEED SUSTAINABLE EVENTS Gold), Green Globes, Green Key, China Green Building, ISO 140001 or ISO 50001. Environmentally Sustainable Venues Stay Well™ Rooms And Meetings All of our large event venues have unique environmental attributes, including We offer guests an enhanced stay by investing in guest and meeting room Mandalay Bay Conference Center – our flagship venue that has America’s features aligned with Stay Well™ standards. Example amenities in Stay Well™ largest contiguous rooftop solar array. rooms include air purification, energizing and specialized lighting and Food Donations shower infusers. Events sometimes result in unserved food. Where possible in our large convention properties, we aim to safely donate quality unserved food to people in our communities. Across our resorts, we donate three major food MATERIALS & WASTE types to charities: perishable prepared food, perishable unprepared and non-perishable food and beverages from minibar/warehouse food. Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Sustainable Events Engagement We recognize that the materials we choose and products we buy drive Las Vegas is a global hub for meetings and conventions and sports and much of our lifecycle environmental impact. These choices also affect our entertainment. We are very focused on helping event planners understand ability to manage waste, since some materials are more durable, recyclable and implement more socially and environmentally sustainable practices. or reusable than others. We have concentrated buying power in some of Our program is encapsulated in a user-friendly deck of 52 sustainable event our markets and use that power to advance environmentally preferable ideas, that we regularly use with clients. purchasing in many categories. Materials Diversion In one of the hospitality industry’s most comprehensive materials diversion WATER programs, we capture and divert over 30 materials from landfills. This includes common materials such as glass, metal and plastics as well as Water Efficient Equipment & Appliances nontraditional items such as hangers, towels and oysters. We prioritize water-efficient equipment and appliances including automatic Food Waste Diversion & Reduction faucets for sinks, low-flow bathroom fixtures and high performance As a core aspect of our overall material diversion program, we also have commercial dishwashers. a highly respected food waste diversion program. We work on source Water Efficient Landscaping reduction to avoid waste being generated from the start, and also send In Las Vegas we converted over 200,000 square feet of real grass to artificial tens of thousands of tons of food scraps to animals, comingled food and turf or desert-friendly landscape to help reduce our consumptive water use compostable disposables to compost, and grease to biofuel. (water we don’t send back to the source). MGM Resorts International / 15

Protecting the Planet: 2021 Highlights While 2021 was a year of recovery from the tumultuous impact of COVID-19 and related business closures, we nonetheless made significant progress on our environmental sustainability initiatives. Our stated environmental priorities are energy, water and materials & waste, but we consider climate to be an overarching issue that covers all of these areas, and one that we address through implementation actions in each area, not just energy alone. MGM Resorts Mega Solar Array Climate Goals & Science-based Climate Risk Assessment In June 2021 we launched the 100MW MGM Resorts Mega Targets Status In line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Solar Array. With over 336,000 panels arranged across 640 Our mega solar array project represented a milestone in Climate-Related Climate Disclosure (TCFD), in 2021, we acres, this is the hospitality industry’s largest directly sourced MGM Resorts’ long-term climate strategy and is significantly engaged an expert independent third party to conduct renewable electricity project worldwide. In 2021, clean energy helping us accelerate progress towards the climate goals a detailed climate risk and opportunity assessment for from the project helped provide up to 90% of MGM Resorts’ 1 transition and physical risks across our global portfolio. This we announced in 2018: to reduce our scope one and two Las Vegas daytime power needs on specific days. Overall in greenhouse gas emissions by 45% per square foot by 2025 assessment included a detailed review of MGM’s potential 2021 this project as well as clean electricity from the Nevada and 50% by 2030 respectively (2007 baseline). When we exposure to seven types of physical risks of climate change grid helped us source 24% renewable electricity in our primary opened the project we moved beyond these original intensity- (water stress, flood, heatwave, coldwave, hurricane, wildfire, market of Las Vegas. To provide a sense of scale, MGM based climate goals, and announced two new, more ambitious and sea-level rise) across three different modelled climate manages over 65 million square feet of buildings across 13 goals that we developed informed by guidance from the change scenarios. properties and more than 36,000 rooms in Las Vegas alone, so Science-based Targets Initiative (SBTi). These publicly this regions power demand is very substantial. Going forward, announced goals have been submitted for consideration by Under all three scenarios, the assessment found that based on this array and other local efforts, we expect our the Initiative. overall, MGM Resorts faces moderate physical risk from overall renewable electricity percentage in Las Vegas will grow • Reduce absolute scope one and two Greenhouse Gas climate change, primarily driven by exposure to water stress, to nearly 30% by the end of 2022, and increase significantly in (GHG) emissions 50% by 2030 (2019 base year) wildfire and sea level rise at specific properties. This climate subsequent years in support of our new climate goals. risk assessment is a key input to a separate report we are • Source 100% renewable electricity in US and 80% publishing in directional alignment with the guidelines of the globally by 2030 Taskforce for Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In 2021 we also completed our most detailed and comprehensive inventory of scope three2 value chain emissions, and we submitted this inventory and a proposed 2030 reduction target for review by the SBTi. 1 Scope one emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources such as natural gas used in onsite boilers, or diesel for vehicles. Scope two emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy. 2 Scope three emissions are indirect emissions for value chains, including from purchased goods and services, waste from operations, business travel, employee commuting, etc. MGM Resorts International / 16

Protecting the Planet: 2021 Highlights Oyster Shell Recycling Oysters are natural filters of the sea and can also act as natural buffers against sea level rise and storm surge events. However, over the years, overfishing and improper treatment of waterways have been detrimental to oyster populations across the U.S. This has diminished their ability to clean water or buffer against the impacts of climate change. To contribute to oyster regeneration, in 2017 the culinary and food and beverage teams at MGM National Harbor started to collect oyster shells for restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay. In subsequent years the program was expanded to our Las Vegas resorts, and we have now been collecting oyster shells at multiple properties for many years. In 2021, as an evolution of this program, we established a partnership with The Nature Conservancy in Mississippi, and shipped approximately 45,000 pounds of dry shells from Las Vegas to the Southern State. Our MGM Resorts shells are playing a vital role in The Nature Conservancy’s feasibility study for oyster habitats in the Gulf Coast, and we expect this may Consumptive Water Use help establish the state’s first oyster restoration project. We support the rehabilitation and rewilding of this vulnerable ecosystem because we are committed to supporting projects that One of the findings of our climate risk assessment was that MGM Resorts is exposed to water deliver multiple environmental benefits. And, since our Beau Rivage Casino & Resort is based in stress in our primary market of Las Vegas. This is because the U.S. Southwest is facing a this region, we seek to support the communities in which we operate. sustained drought and our main water basin of Lake Mead is under pressure from multiple sources, but primarily from outside Nevada. To do our part to help mitigate this risk within our region, we have implemented extensive water efficiency and conservation efforts over the last 10 years. In fact, by 2019 had already achieved our 2025 water goal to reduce water per square foot by 30% from a 2007 base year, helping avoid the use of over 5 billion gallons in the process. We have now reset that goal to 33% by 2025, from the same base year. While we will continue efforts to reduce water use overall, an interesting and under-appreciated aspect of water management in Southern Nevada is that practically all the water used inside buildings, including inside all our properties, is recycled and returned back to its source, Lake Mead. As such, the more valuable water conservation efforts relate to water use outdoors since that use is “consumptive.” To reduce consumptive use to date, our focus has been on converting real grass to drought tolerant landscaping and have nearly completed that effort with over 200,000 feet converted so far. In 2021, we engaged independent water experts to conduct detailed analysis on consumptive water use drivers and through a combination of actual data and modeled estimates, determined that cooling towers were another major driver of consumptive use. As such, we plan to increase installation of sub-meters across cooling towers, and have started to install more modern and water-efficient cooling towers in multiple locations. We also expect to announce a consumptive water use reduction goal for Las Vegas cooling towers, once we have metered data and a more accurate baseline data for this important subset of our consumptive water footprint. MGM Resorts International / 17

Recent Awards & Recognition GENERAL FOSTERING DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION PROTECTING THE PLANET BetMGM Named Casino Operator of the Year at EGR One of DiversityInc’s Top Regional Companies 2021 2020 Boston Society for Architecture (BSA) Design Awards – North America Awards 2022 Sustainable Design Award for MGM Head Start Named One of the Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality Child & Family Center Named Outstanding Travel Marketing from Hospitality Sales (10th consecutive year) by the Human Rights Campaign & Marketing Association International 2020 Bellagio Hotel and Casino Las Vegas winner of the 2019 Awarded recognition on the Military Times’ Best for Vets: Food Recovery Challenge Hospitality Award – United States National Council on Problem Gambling’s (NCPG) Public Employers 2021 list Environmental Protection Agency Awareness Award Women’s Business Enterprise National Council Top Supplier Recognized for Making Significant Investments in Clean Fortune 500 List – Fortune Magazine Diversity Program 2021 Energy by the Solar Energy Industries Association’s Solar Means Business Report Emporis Skyscraper Award recognition for MGM Cotai One of America’s Best Employers for Diversity — Forbes in Macau LEED Gold for Neighborhood Development: One of America’s Top Corporations for Women’s Business MGM Springfield Overall Site One of the 2019 Best Places to Work in Las Vegas by Zippia Enterprises (7th consecutive year) — Women’s Business Enterprise National Council LEED Platinum for New Construction: MGM Springfield Resort One of DiversityInc’s Top Regional Companies INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNITIES (15th consecutive year) and Supplier Diversity Lists LEED Platinum for Commercial Interior: MGM Springfield Armory SportsTravel Award for Employee Emergency Grant Fund Diversity Best Practices’ Inclusion Index 2020 Efforts LEED Gold for Commercial Interior: One of the Top 50 Best Companies for Latinas to Work for in MGM Springfield Chapel 2020 Nevada Governor’s Points of Light Awards for Corporate the U.S. by LATINA Style, Inc. and Business Volunteer Program of the Year (won first place LEED Platinum for New Construction: in the Gold category) 2020 “Responsibility” H.E.R.O.E.S. by the Western Regional MGM Daycare/Child-Family Center Minority Supplier Development Council Beau Rivage Resort Business Volunteer of the Year – Food Recovery Challenge Award: Bellagio Hotel & Casino – City of Biloxi US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce as a Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Top 35 Corporation 50 Most Community Minded Companies in the World Procurement Congress and Awards Shortlist: Oyster US by The Civic 50 Ranked #1 on Top 8 Regionals Company List for Diversity – shell recycling process & collaboration (CSR category) – DiversityInc 2019 Procurement Leaders Best for Vets Employer for 2019 – Military Times Leading Disability Employer by the National Organization on Disability (NOD) 2019 Women’s Forum Corporate Champion [recognition for having 30% or greater female representation on our board of directors] 2019 America’s Top Corporations for Women’s Business Enterprises – Women’s Business Enterprise National Council MGM Resorts International / 18

Diversity & Inclusion Partners* 100 Black Men of America, Inc. National Coalition of Black Meeting Professionals American Council of the Blind National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) American Indian Scholarship Fund National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) Asia Society National Urban League Asian American Business Development Center (AABDC) Native American Journalist Association (NAJA) Asian Community Development Council (ACDC) Nevada Partners Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA) Congressional Black Caucus Institute Out & Equal Workplace Advocates Congressional Hispanic Caucus Prospanica Disability:IN SER National Diversity Best Practices SNAPI (Southern Nevada Association of Pride, Inc.) DiversityInc The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Committee of Las Vegas Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce of Southern Nevada The Executive Leadership Council Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) The Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR) The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development (NCAIED) Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Thurgood Marshall College Fund International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) Tourism Diversity Matters Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce (ACC) U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. Las Vegas India Chamber of Commerce Unidos US Las Vegas Urban Chamber of Commerce United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Latin Chamber of Commerce Nevada Inc. United States Veterans Initiative (U.S. VETS) League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) United Service Organizations, Inc. (USO) National ACE (National Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce (USPAACC) Entrepreneurship) Veteran Action Group National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council (WRMSDC) National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC) Women’s Business Enterprise Council – West (WBEC – West) National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) Women’s Chamber of Commerce Las Vegas *This list is intended to reflect a summary and may not include all of the groups and organizations we partner with. MGM Resorts International / 19

For more information on Social Impact and Sustainability at MGM Resorts International please visit our website