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Five Point Logo The five point logo has been designed to allow consistent reproduction across all applications, such as; print, molding and stitching. The ® should always accompany the mark as shown. The small doted line around represents "clear space" that should not be violated by any other graphic or text. Providing safe harbor for the NB brand to live within. There are two options when the five point logo is accompanied by the New Balance type: Stacked and Horizontal Five Point Stacked Logo The preferred configuration for all applications. The company name should always be below the New Balance five point logo. Five Point Horizontal Logo Only use this configuration in horizontal applications. The five point logo should always precede the type as shown. The brand should only be used in one of the three formats shown above. These files are available on New Balance MediaBin. Never attempt to recreate the mark or alter/distort the mark. It’s essential that the brand is used consistently on all media internally and externally. Please ensure that any vendors using the logo are faithful to the brand when working with them. Appropriate Usage logo / corporate identity treatment page 27

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