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7 Of course, what moves this into the realm of par- ody is when The Onion completes the headline with the punchline—the thing that mocks the newspaper for- mat. The Onion could do something like: “Supreme 5 Court Rules Supreme Court Rules.” The Onion could push the parody even further by writing the joke out in article format with, say, a quote from the Justices in the majority, opining that, “while the U.S. Constitution guarantees equality of power among the executive, leg- islative, and judicial branches, it most definitely does not guarantee equality of coolness,” and rounding off by reporting the Supreme Court’s holding that the Court “rules and rules totally, all worthy and touched by nobody, in perpetuity, and in accordance with Article Three of the U.S. Constitution. The ability of the Pres- ident and Congress to keep pace with us is not only 6 separate, but most unequal.” As can be seen, the Associated Press form is fol- lowed straight through into the article. That rhetorical form sets up the reader’s expectations for how the id- iom will play out—expectations that are jarringly jux- taposed with the content of the article. The power of the parody arises from that dissonance into which the reader has been drawn. Farah, 736 F.3d at 537. Here’s another example: Assume that you are reading what appears to be a boring economics paper about the Irish overpopulation crisis of the eighteenth 5 Supreme Court Rules Supreme Court Rules, The Onion, Jan. 22, 1997, 6 Id.

Onion - Legal Case for Parody - Page 12 Onion - Legal Case for Parody Page 11 Page 13