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2021 Owens Corning Sustainability Report | Overview | Summary & Highlights | 27 Employee Experience By 2030, in conjunction with our inclusion and diversity goals, we will make continuous improvements in recruiting, retention, training and development, mentorship and sponsorship professional growth, and employee engagement. To that end, we have established a number of specific targets: ■ 100% retention of high-potential talent between annual talent reviews. ■ Internal fill rate of 75%-85% for leadership roles. ■ Ensure two “ready now” internal succession candidates for key leadership roles. ■ >95% of staff indicating they are frequently putting all their effort into their work. ■ 90% staff and 85% primary worker response rate to our two global enterprise surveys. EXPANDING OUR SOCIAL HANDPRINT Creating a better world means ensuring a better quality of life for people everywhere — from our employees and their families to people in the communities where we do business. We seek to help our employees thrive during their tenure with us, and for people everywhere live with health, safety, and human dignity. 2030 Retention Target 100% retention of high-potential talent between annual talent reviews. We want to ensure that our top talent remains proud members of the Owens Corning team. According to the Society for Human Resource Managers (SHRM), this is the top quartile for outstanding companies, which makes it a suitable goal for Owens Corning. 2030 Employee Engagement Targets >95% of staff indicating they are frequently putting all their effort into their work. We measure engagement by combining the percentage of people who respond Agree or Strongly Agree on our annual employee engagement survey. This is a common practice among the engagement surveys against which we set our benchmarks. Our figures place us high above the SHRM average of 69% who respond similarly. 90% staff and 85% primary workers response rate to our two global enterprise surveys. Owens Corning measures employee engagement in a variety of ways. For example, every other year, our staff is asked to complete a Leadership Capabilities for Growth survey, and our primary population is asked to complete an Operation Excellence survey. Our survey response rate is already well above the 30-40% average response rates for internal employee surveys, and our goal is increase it even further as we work toward 2030. 2030 Percentage of High-Potential Talent Retained GOAL: 100% 2018 2019 2020 2021 Employee Engagement (% of actively engaged employees) 97% 97% 98% 98% % of total salaried employees responding 89% 89% 89% 89% 96% 2021 201 8 BASE YEA R 96 % 98% 2019 97% 2020 0 20 40 60 80 100 2018 (Base Year ) 2019 2020 2021 2030 Goal Percentage of Prima ry W orkers Percentage of Staf f 2030 Staff Goal 90% Response 2030 Primary Goal 85% Response 89% 80% 89% 80% 89% 80% 89% 70%

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