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2021 Owens Corning Sustainability Report | Overview | About Owens Corning | 8 2021 Revenue by Segment 2021 Revenue by Region  Composites 27%  Insulation 36%  Roofing 37%  United States 67%  Europe 16%  Asia Pacific 9%  Canada and Other 8% We aim to capitalize on our market-leading positions and innovative technologies to deliver substantial free cash flow and sustainable shareholder value. The business is global in scope, with operations in 33 countries, and human in scale, with approximately 20,000 employees and long-standing, local relationships with its customers and communities. Based in Toledo, Ohio, U.S., Owens Corning posted 2021 net sales of $8.5 billion. It has been a Fortune 500 ® company for 67 consecutive years. Owens Corning is a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange. As of December 31, 2021, beneficial ownership includes: Blackrock, Inc. (11.5%) and The Vanguard Group (9.73%). Read more about our businesses in the Owens Corning Annual Report on Form 10-K, available at . Owens Corning has manufacturing and research and development facilities around the world. Our world headquarters are located at One Owens Corning Parkway, Toledo, Ohio, 43659, U.S.  Chin a  In dia  Sing ap ore  So uth Ko rea  Czech Re public   Finland France   It aly  Li thua nia Be lgi um   Po land  Ru ssia Sp ain  Swe den  Un ited Kingdom   Brazil  Ca nada Mexico   Un ited States Ne therla nds  Germ an y

Owens Corning Sustainability Report - Page 8 Owens Corning Sustainability Report Page 7 Page 9