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2021 Owens Corning Sustainability Report | Overview | The Fight Against Climate Change | 11 Having been part of Owens Corning’s sustainability journey for over 20 years, I have seen firsthand the incredible progress that we, and other dedicated companies, have made toward building a better future. While we, as corporations and as a society, have made great gains in reducing our environmental impact, our collective actions are not achieving the magnitude, scale, and urgency needed. Severe weather phenomena, from droughts and wildfires to storms and floods, are occurring with greater frequency and greater severity than ever before. Global climate change, linked to human behavior, is now a scientifically recognized driver of these localized weather events. To help stem the devastation that is occurring as a result, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued recommendations aimed at limiting warming to 1.5° C. Their latest reports have made clear the need to act decisively: The planet’s air, oceans, and ice are pushing relentlessly into new territory. Unless there are immediate, rapid, and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to 1.5° C will be beyond reach. Consistent with this call to action, Owens Corning is committed to a decarbonized future. Our 2030 goal for reducing Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 50% has been approved by the Science- Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as being in alignment with the IPCC’s 1.5° C maximum global warming pathway. Concurrently, our Scope 3 greenhouse gas reduction goal of 30% has been approved by the SBTi as being in alignment with the IPCC’s well below 2.0° C pathway. Our definition of total value chain decarbonization is also consistent with the new SBTi guidance. More information about our work on this front can be found in the Combating Climate Change chapter in this report. OWENS CORNING AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE THOUGHTS FROM CSO FRANK O’BRIEN-BERNINI

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