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2021 Owens Corning Sustainability Report | Our Approach | UN SDG Alignment | 46 SDG Target 5.2 | Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation. We continue to strengthen our processes to ensure our human rights policy is implemented worldwide. SDG Target 5.5 | Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. Our Women’s Inclusion Network (WIN) made significant strides toward its mission to attract, retain, and develop outstanding women through professional development, personal development, and community involvement. Throughout 2021, WIN sponsored a number of events, including a series of panel discussions touching on topics such as planned family leave, career and development planning, and the roles of women in leadership across different cultures. Our Composites business formed Women in Operations (WIO) in the summer of 2020 to help support and elevate the role of women in the operations team. By its first anniversary in 2021, the group consisted of more than 100 women and allies and effected change throughout the company, with a priority on education, mentoring, networking, and career development. WIO sponsored a wide range of activities over the course of the year, including lunch-and-learns, one-on-one mentor/mentee relationships, mentor circles, and stay interviews. Women hold 27% of management positions in Owens Corning, and currently there are three women serving as directors on our board, representing 30%. Clean Water and Sanitation Owens Corning has goals in place to source and consume water responsibly. In addition, Owens Corning has made CDP’s Water A List for the third year in a row. SDG Target 6.4 | By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity. By 2030, we aim to cut in half the amount we take from local water supplies in places where water is limited in quantity or quality. In addition, we intend to ensure that our other facilities remain at the same water intensity as our base year of 2018, or lower when aggregated. SDG Target 6.6 | By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers, and lakes. Owens Corning has begun the process of deepening our understanding of the biodiversity that exists in the areas where we maintain a presence. Through this work, we will be better equipped to discover how we can preserve and enhance biodiversity and the natural habitats that surround our operations around the world. We will develop biodiversity goals based on an understanding of the full impact of our operations and supply chain on biodiversity by 2025. SDG Target 6.B | Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management. At Owens Corning, our people and products make the world a better place — and we put that belief into practice through our many community outreach initiatives. We also look for projects that empower our employees to take an active role in their communities. Owens Corning has a number of long-standing partnerships with U.S.-based charitable organizations, each of which provides vital services to communities across the country. These include Habitat for Humanity, the Gary Sinise Foundation, and World Vision. Outside the U.S., Owens Corning works with Give2Asia, the Charities Aid Foundation, and the King Baudouin Foundation, to identify appropriate charities in our various regions around the globe, perform the necessary due diligence required by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and then to transfer the funds. All three of these organizations specialize in helping corporate foundations grant in countries outside of the U.S. Affordable and Clean Energy As part of our 2030 goal cycle, we will work to reduce energy use from both renewable and non-renewable electricity, as well as other forms of non-renewable energy by 20% from our baseline year. SDG Target 7.2 | By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. SDG Target 7.3 | By 2030, double of the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. Over our goal cycle, we will work to reduce energy use from both renewable and non-renewable electricity, as well as other forms of non-renewable energy by 20% from our baseline year of 2018. In 2021 — a year of increased production — Owens Corning increased its overall consumption of direct energy, including the fuel usage in operation, by 8.3% from 2020. We increased consumption of indirect energy, which includes the use of electricity, steam, and district heating, by 9.6%. With regard to energy efficiency, we are currently at a 2% energy use reduction in 2021 compared to our 2018 base year.

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