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Photography A TOuCh Of BLuE An accent of blue against a desaturated background adds a unique quality to our photography, and communicates that PayPal is part of everyday life. When deciding what to “turn blue” in your images, the blue sky and blue water don’t count as your “touch of blue.” you can choose something small, like an earring or shoe, or something large, like a hat or bicycle. It’s up to you. DOs • Choose photos that reflect the brand personality of helpful, human, innovative, vigilent, and couragous. • Always strive for diversity in ethnicity, age, locale and the situation. • Please contact Worldwide Creative Services for photo selection help for external-facing executions. DON’Ts • Don’t use photos that were obviously posed or shot in a studio with models. • Don’t use multiple bright colors/saturated colors in the photo, cluttered backgrounds, or busy compositions. IMPOrTANT NOTE: The images found on Brand Central are for internal materials only (i.e. PowerPoint presentations, employee events). ContentS PayPal | Corporate master brand guidelines | August 2013 | Copyright © 2013 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. 17

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