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Color palette PrIMAry PALETTE NEuTrAL PALETTE ACCENT PALETTE PayPal signature colors are “Pay” blue and “Pal” blue on a white The neutral palette is intended to be used sparingly to organize use the accent palette to create visual interest and engagement. background. These should always be considered as the primary information and create functional environments. Please note the color pairings, the colors that appear next to one colors. Black is to be used very sparingly. another are intended to be used together, DO NOT mix. PAy BLuE PAL BLuE SAND PALE SAND PMS: 295 PC / rGB: 0 69 124 PMS: 300 PC / CMyK: 100 44 0 0 PMS: 416 PC / CMyK: 0 0 16 50 PMS: 454 PC / CMyK: 9 6 17 0 CMyK: 100 57 0 40 / hEX: 00457C rGB: 0 121 193 / hEX: 0079C1 rGB: 149 148 132 / hEX: 959484 rGB: 231 229 211 / hEX: E7E5D3 LEAf LIME PMS: 396 PC / CMyK: 59 0 100 7 PMS: 390 PC / CMyK: 22 0 100 8 rGB: 109 179 63 / hEX: 6DB33f rGB: 194 205 35 / hEX: C2CD23 WhITE BLACK SLATE PALE SLATE CMyK: 0 0 0 0 / rGB: 255 255 255 CMyK: 0 0 0 100 / rGB: 0 0 0 PMS: COOL GrAy 11 PC / PMS: COOL GrAy 2 PC hEX: ffffff hEX: 000000 CMyK: 0 2 0 68 / rGB: 113 112 116 CMyK: 0 0 0 10 / rGB: 230 231 232 SEA AQuA hEX: 717074 hEX: E6E7E8 PMS: 322 PC / CMyK: 100 0 33 35 PMS: 631 PC / CMyK: 67 0 12 2 rGB: 0 124 133 / hEX: 007C85 rGB: 38 188 215 / hEX: 26BCD7 IMPOrTANT TOMATO TANGErINE • DO NOT use tints or gradients. PMS: 484 PC / CMyK: 0 95 100 29 PMS: 144 PC / CMyK: 0 48 100 0 rGB: 179 35 23 / hEX: B32317 rGB: 248 152 29 / hEX: f8981D • Black is for use ONLy in copy text, DO NOT use black as a background. • The neutral palette is best used as a container for text or PLuM BErry infographics, or to create separation against a white uI (user interface). PMS: 229 PC / CMyK: 0 100 15 60 PMS: 198 PC / CMyK: 0 78 33 0 It’s not recommended for primary retail signage. rGB: 122 0 60 / hEX: 7A003C rGB: 241 95 124 / hEX: f15f7C • All colors have been assigned CMyK, rGB and hEX values based on the Pantone Solid to Process system. ContentS PayPal | Corporate master brand guidelines | August 2013 | Copyright © 2013 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. 18

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