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Logo don’ts The PayPal logo should not be altered. These logo standards apply for all content that is owned and controlled by PayPal, including cobranding and partnerships. Don’t place the logo over a Don’t place the logo over Don’t distort the logo. Don’t skew the logo. Don’t change the Don’t reverse the pattern of any kind. the “Double-P” mark. proportions of the Pay order of blues. to the Pal or vice versa. Don’t place the logo Don’t place the logo over Don’t put a glow Don’t add a mirror effect. Don’t alter the colors. Only use perspective over a photo. a textured background. behind the logo. effects within animations. Using saves me time. Don’t place the logo on a Don’t use a keyline or Don’t use a white logo on Don’t tilt the logo. Don’t place the logo Don’t use the logo colored background - even our stroke around the logo. any other color other than on top of an object. within a sentence. brand colors. black, Pay blue or Pal blue. ContentS PayPal | Corporate master brand guidelines | August 2013 | Copyright © 2013 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. 8

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