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REOPEN How You Make Your decision-making in this track should focus on the new, evolving needs of your internal and external stakeholders. Get ready, because your leaders Decisions will have a lot of questions. Be proactive by setting up a command center and designing a data-driven plan to get everyone back to work. Think holistically to ensure you’re accounting for all voices and feedback. Establish a workplace Define a Unify feedback and command center. holistic plan. decision-making. Set up a workplace command center to Build a unified plan for cascading Instrument a return to the workplace coordinate people, policy, and notifications. notifications, work plans, and effort needed with a single-truth view of all critical to activate return. data, including employee segmentation, Build a mobile command center with schedules, and completion. dashboards, reports, and collaboration feed Define mobilization, logistics, and support as a single source of truth. plan, including COVID-proofing, testing tool Collate customer/employee feedback and procurement, move sequencing, and space insights and synthesize into improvement Define data sources (existing and new) to management (e.g., target employee density opportunities and shareable insights. enable optimal decision-making, including in office space). employee health, physical density, and Ensure timely, trusted cadence of updates sanitation status. Define health attestation requirements to all parties: employees, suppliers, partners. and process, including contractor and Enable advanced data modeling (scenario visitor policies. planning, what-if analysis, and risk modeling) with dashboards, public datasets, and Define reopen operating model at internal employee/site data. department/business unit level, modeling potential scenarios on customer/operations/ Partner to answer key, unresolved employee impact. questions (e.g., how to segment and engage at-risk populations, health data Define phased containment plan in case of management, and “questions we didn’t localized lockdown reactivations. know to ask”). The COVID-19 Response Playbook | 21

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