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THE BIG IDEA in 47 WORDS b FINDING A GREAT IDEA is easy. Selling it to customers and investors is a lot harder. If you don’t have a method to differentiate, break through the market clutter, capture imagination and attention and get buyers motivated about your offer, then you’re stuck and going no where. b Why does the method matter? Sometimes it doesn’t. When you are presenting a deal to people you know and have worked with before, then almost any pitch will do. They’ll talk to you long enough — hours if necessary — to understand your product and the value you deliver. A discussion is going to happen because you are known and trusted. But when you are trying to reach buyers you don’t know well, a different psychology is in effect. It’s harsh but true — the quality of a pitch and how fast you can deliver it will determine how many people will look at your offer, consider it, and invest. This is why I developed the 6-Minute Pitch. Hope you invest a few minutes to learn this method - the potential pay off is huge. Oren Klaff Pitch Anything Blueprint 3

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