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WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM THE BLUEPRINT THE SIX MINUTE PITCH BLUEPRINT CAN HELP YOU IMMEDIATELY CONVEY TRUST and credibility to your new buyers. They will give you high-priority status and attention to your ideas, and all this happens within minutes. * Your pitch will pass through their initial screens * You will close sales faster and more efficiently successfully and be marked as important than ever before. materials that require evaluation. * You will find yourself in the desirable position of * Your cost to acquire new being able to select the best buyers buyers will dramatically instead of taking what you can get. fall, as the call-back rate from your one page pitch is much higher than with conventional methods. * Your close rate will be much higher, as buyers will come into your meetings with desire rather than skepticism. At this stage, it’s yours to lose. CONSULTING AGREEMENT: SUMMARY OF CONTRACT NET PROGRAM MARKETING & AD PLACEMENT COST TO DEVELOP $2M MEDIA AND LAUNCH Actual COST in ROI MARKETING TARGET REDUCTION OF COSTS summarized OUR VALUE & METHOD CURRENT PERFORMANCE TARGET SPEND & ROI We are a digital marketing agency offering customer acquisition services for companies DOCUMENT PREPARATION WEEK 1 $470K looking to generate leads and sell products DIGITAL MARKETING $250K online. Everything we do is in support of the WEEK 1 final conversion delivering the right ANNUAL MINIMUM WEEK 2 28% message at the right time. $2,100,000 $6,440,000 CONTRACT PERIOD WEEK 3 2018 FULL YR. TARGET CPI WEEK 3 $1.25 COST REDUCTION TARGET ROI WEEK 4 3.15X Organic Search is like a snowball, or flywheel, the more you push and turn, the TOTAL SPEND Q1 WEEK 4 $1,700,000 greater the results. While search engines VOLUME REDUCTION WEEK 5 -18% evolve, the principles are still the same $199,600,000 $139,150,000 today - answer questions & deliver the best Bryan Smith is an Internet Sarah Jones is CEO of possible user experience. entrepreneur with almost 400Q a top advertising CURRENT CLIENTS INCLUDE $12,100,000 $10,900,000 20 years of experience agency in the U.S. that has pioneering digital compa- helped its clients capitalize nies, and a track record for on industry changes. growing businesses in During her 12-year tenure disruptive markets, Sarah has lead the agen- b Once your website is properly aligned with technical and optimization standards, the ongoing including the meteoric rise cy’s adaptability, building efforts focus on growing the voice and authority of your business. of 400Q as a top digital best in class practices WE SOLVE THIS PROBLEM CORE SOLUTION ELEMENTS agency. across creative and media. Organic search is excellent for Our technology creates fast access 1 driving traffic, but very difficult to 2 to page 1 organic search results. CREATIVE MEDIA BUY SETUP/TRAIN LICENSE MEASURE ROI compete for. THE KEY CHALLENGE KEY FEATURES We deal with the difficulty of 1. Fast implementation 2. Low cost +1 800-555-1212 $5,660,000 REDUCTION 3 getting page 1 placement. 4 3. Measureable results 4. Reporting IN UPFRONT COSTS [email protected] Pitch Anything Blueprint 6

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