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Preqin ESG Solutions 66 Indicator Key Question Indicator Governance ESG Pillar Theme Framework Applicability Type _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reporting or monitoring Does the 昀椀rm GP Asset Governance Post- Ratings portfolio companies using monitor ESG Investment Providers ESG KPIs performance in their portfolio companies? Total AUM disclosed as What is the 昀椀rm's GP; LP Portfolio Governance Pre- UNPRI subject to ESG criteria or AUM that is subject Investment policies to ESG criteria? Process A list of investors by Does the 昀椀rm GP Portfolio Governance Business UNPRI type (i.e. "family o昀케ce") mention the types of Model investors they work Resilience with? Total assets under What is the 昀椀rm's GP Portfolio Social Post- UNPRI management in ESG funds AUM for ESG speci昀椀c Investment funds? Process Fund o昀昀erings sold as Does the 昀椀rm o昀昀er GP Portfolio Governance Pre- UNPRI "ESG" or "ESG-themed" ESG-themed funds? Investment funds Process Total assets under Does the 昀椀rm GP Portfolio Social Post- UNPRI management in impact or disclose their AUM Investment SDG-related companies targeting impact Process or SDG-related investments? Fund o昀昀erings sold as Does the 昀椀rm o昀昀er GP Portfolio Governance Pre- UNPRI "Impact" or "SDG" funds impact funds? Investment Process ↗ Back to Contents

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