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Preqin ESG Solutions 65 Indicator Key Question Indicator Governance ESG Pillar Theme Framework Applicability Type _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An engagement process or If the 昀椀rm has an GP; LP Asset Governance Post- Ratings considerations speci昀椀cally engagement policy Investment Providers focused on ESG issues does this policy Process with portfolio companies include ESG issues? The number of companies Does the 昀椀rm GP Asset Governance Post- Ratings in the portfolio with disclose how many Investment Providers whom engagements companies they Process were conducted on ESG have engaged with policies or issues regarding ESG policies/issues? ESG educational programs Does the 昀椀rm GP Asset Social Post- Ratings designed and run for provide education to investment Providers portfolio companies portfolio companies Process about ESG issues? A code of conduct policy Does the 昀椀rm require GP Asset Governance Corporate ILPA for portfolio companies portfolio companies Governance to follow a code of conduct? A policy specifying how Does the 昀椀rm GP Portfolio Governance Corporate UNPRI ESG factors are used consider ESG factors Governance before investing in before making an a company investment? Evidence of environmental Does the 昀椀rm obtain GP Asset Environmental Post- ILPA impact studies conducted environmental Investment on portfolio companies or impact studies Process properties for each of its portfolio company and property investments? A policy specifying how Does the 昀椀rm GP Portfolio Governance Corporate UNPRI ESG factors are used after consider ESG factors Governance investing in a company or after making an in company exits investment? Tracking of GHG emissions Does the 昀椀rm track GP; LP Asset Environmental Post- Ratings at portfolio companies the emissions of Investment Providers portfolio companies/ Process assets? ESG due diligence Does the 昀椀rm GP; LP Portfolio Governance Corporate UNPRI reporting lines disclose who is Governance responsible for ESG at the 昀椀rm at executive level? Dedicated ESG Does the 昀椀rm have a GP; LP Portfolio Governance Corporate UNPRI investment sta昀昀 dedicated ESG team? Governance ↗ Back to Contents

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