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Preqin ESG Solutions 64 Indicator Key Question Indicator Governance ESG Pillar Theme Framework Applicability Type _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A whistle-blower or Does the 昀椀rm have a GP Firm Governance Management Ratings anonymous incident whistle-blower policy of the Legal Providers reporting process or procedure? & Regulatory Environment A modern slavery or Does the 昀椀rm have GP Firm Social Labor Ratings human rights policy a modern slavery Practices Providers policy? Adherence to any ISO Does the 昀椀rm GP Firm Social Data Ratings standards mention that it Security Providers adheres to any ISO standards? General partner 昀椀rm-level Does the 昀椀rm have a GP Firm Social Data Ratings privacy policy privacy policy? Security Providers A formal diversity policy or Does the 昀椀rm have GP Firm Social Employee ILPA initiative a diversity and Engagement, inclusion policy? Diversity & Inclusion Discloses a public Does the 昀椀rm publish GP; LP Firm Governance Corporate Ratings sustainability report a sustainability Governance Providers report? Statements, policies, Does the 昀椀rm GP; LP Firm Environmental Corporate TCFD or initiatives related to disclose any policy Governance climate change related to climate change, carbon or emissions? General partner 昀椀rm-level Does the 昀椀rm GP Firm Environmental Corporate Ratings carbon or GHG emissions disclose their carbon Governance Providers or greenhouse gas (GHG) emmisions? Any mention of ESG Does the GP; LP Portfolio Governance Corporate SASB consideration in investing 昀椀rm mention Governance consideration of ESG factors in its investment process? An investment policy that Does the 昀椀rm have GP; LP Portfolio Governance Corporate UNPRI includes ESG issues an ESG policy? Governance A policy detailing Does the 昀椀rm GP; LP Asset Governance Post- Ratings engagement processes disclose an Investment Providers with portfolio companies engagement policy Process with portfolio companies? ↗ Back to Contents

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