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Preqin ESG Solutions 63 Appendix A ESG Transparency KPIs Indicator Key Question Indicator Governance ESG Pillar Theme Framework Applicability Type _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The ownership structure Does the GP disclose GP Firm Governance Corporate Ratings of the GP who owns the 昀椀rm? Governance Providers Registered investment Is the 昀椀rm registered GP Firm Governance Corporate ILPA advisor or a registered as an investment Governance broker dealer status advisor (in any country)? General partner 昀椀rm-level Does the 昀椀rm GP Firm Governance Corporate Ratings governing, leadership, or disclose the board Governance Providers executive bodies, including members or C-level the board of directors sta昀昀? Female representation on Does the 昀椀rm GP Firm Governance Corporate Ratings the board of directors disclose that there Governance Providers are females are on the board of directors? Any mention of ESG Does the 昀椀rm GP Firm Governance Corporate SASB consideration in mention any Governance operations consideration of ESG? A code of conduct policy Does the 昀椀rm have a GP; LP Firm Governance Management ILPA for employees code of conduct? of the Legal & Regulatory Environment An insider trading policy Does the 昀椀rm have GP Firm Governance Management Ratings an insider trading of the Legal Providers policy? & Regulatory Environment An anti-money laundering Does the 昀椀rm have GP Firm Governance Management Ratings and/or "know your client" an anti-money of the Legal Providers (AML KYC) policy laundering/know & Regulatory your client (AML KYC) Environment policy? ↗ Back to Contents

Preqin ESG Solutions Methodology - Page 63 Preqin ESG Solutions Methodology Page 62 Page 64