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Preqin ESG Solutions 62 Net Zero The Net Zero strategy aims to achieve a balance between the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere and the carbon removed from it NGOs Non-governmental Organizations NLP Natural language processing; the application of computational techniques to the analysis and synthesis of natural language and speech Paris An international agreement, signed into law in December 2015 by 193 countries Agreement worldwide. Its purpose is to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5-2.0 °C in comparison to pre-industrial levels PASIs Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts, related to SFDR’s Article 4 positive A situation in which the consumption or production of a good or service externality causes a bene昀椀t to a third party (such as society or the environment) not directly involved in the market transaction Preqin Pro Our proprietary platform; the leading source of ESG data for private markets SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Scope 1 direct carbon emissions, coming from organization’s owned or controlled emissions sources Scope 2 indirect carbon emissions, coming from organization’s purchased sources emissions Scope 3 all other indirect carbon emissions generated within an organization’s entire emissions value chain SDGs United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals SFDR European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation TCFD Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures UNPRI United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing WMO World Meteorological Organization Women- The majority of the top-level position(s) held are held by women (50% or owned 昀椀rm more) e.g. CEO, Managing Partners, Managing Director, Partner. Usually, the 昀椀rm website says they are a women owned 昀椀rm, or the 昀椀rm tells us via direct update. In all cases, we should never use photographs to identify the gender of a contact. ↗ Back to Contents

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