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Preqin ESG Solutions 13 Highlighted ESG Pro昀椀les for Investors use cases • Identify funds pursuing strategies aligned with your ESG mandate through ESG Fund Labels. Use the information on market-wide availability of sustainable investments to understand where your peers are invested and in which direction the capital 昀氀ows. • Find out which fund managers have ESG-integrated investment work昀氀ows by considering the ESG A昀케liations, ESG Transparency KPIs and ESG Contacts components. Use this information to screen fund managers prior to capital allocation, to monitor funds, and during further engagement. Finally, leverage it to enrich your research before another round of annual portfolio monitoring. • If you are committed to Net Zero, you need to monitor carbon emissions along your entire investment chain and that means pinpointing fund managers who have pledged to manage their Scope 3 emissions with ESG A昀케liations. Next, shortlist the funds that track and actively manage their carbon footprint. • Identify ESG policies that are insu昀케cient given fund manager’s ESG risk exposures by combining the use of Transparency KPIs with ESG Risk Analytics. This gives you the ammunition to initiate a conversation with the fund manager, should you wish to do so, and improve your stewardship as a result. ESG Pro昀椀les for Asset Managers • If you are fundraising, create a target list of potential investor entities by using ESG Mandates of institutional investors. • Identify weak spots of your ESG policies and practices by checking your competitors’ Transparency KPIs. Next, improve your game to attract investors. • If you work in a team creating funds, use ESG Fund Labels to gauge market appetite for a strategy of your choice based on the products o昀昀ered by your competitors. The detailed intelligence we provide encompasses strategies, ticket sizes, sectors, and geographies they are invested in. ↗ Back to Contents

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