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Preqin ESG Solutions 14 ESG Pro昀椀les for Service Providers • Use ESG Contacts to reach out to prospective new clients. • Inform your advisory with a database of comparable ESG Pro昀椀les that enables seamless benchmarking and market movement analysis. For the sake of brevity, we refer further to institutional investors as to Limited Partners (LPs), and to fund managers as to General Partners (GPs). The ESG Pro昀椀les module covers six datasets: • ESG Transparency KPIs: A collection of policies and practices, tracked across GPs and LPs, that indicate how sustainability is managed across their organization and their investments. • ESG Fund Labels: A collection of ESG-related funds in market according to the following classi昀椀cation tags: ESG Integration, Impact, European Union Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Article 8 and Article 9, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Climate, and Sharia Compliant. • LP ESG Mandates: Information on LPs’ active investment mandates by asset class that incorporate ESG-related expectations. • GP Regulatory Disclosures: A collection of asset managers’ ESG-related regulatory disclosures aligned to global reporting mandates. • ESG A昀케liations: A collection of notable sustainability third-party a昀케liations and industry groups, tracked across GPs and LPs, that indicates their ESG priorities and commitments. • ESG Contacts: Key ESG points of contact at GP and LP 昀椀rms. The sections that follow explain their purpose and features, as well as their common use cases and our data-collection processes. ↗ Back to Contents

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