Preqin ESG Solutions 77 SASB ISSUE Score Type Subscores Raw Data Reading the Score Understanding the Risk Sources Industries with high trade cost World Bank; …countries with high exports, operating in countries reliant on Geographic None Transparency corruption issues, and weak labor exports with weak labor rights are International; rights. at risk of being disrupted by supply OECD; Preqin; chain issues resulting in delays or Supply Chain operational costs. Management Industries with high trade cost operating in countries reliant on Industry None WTO; …industries with high median exports with weak labor rights are tari昀昀s. at risk of being disrupted by supply chain issues resulting in delays or operational costs. Industries with high raw material input demand operating in Geographic None World Bank …countries with low raw material countries with limited exports of exports. raw material run the risk of supply Materials disruption, sourcing issues, and Sourcing & operational cost increases. E昀케ciency Industries with high raw material BEA; US input demand operating in Industry None Federal …industries with high raw material countries with limited exports of Reserve; demands and input costs. raw material run the risk of supply disruption, sourcing issues, and operational cost increases. Industries that are physical asset …countries with high climate- heavy in countries where climate IMF; Climate related disasters, sea level rise disasters are increasingly prevalent Geographic None Central; NASA; projections, or urban populations with no 昀椀nancial backstop run the Sedac; in coastal regions with limited risk of stranding assets, increased Physical insurance penetration. insurance costs, and relocation Impacts costs. of Climate Industries that are physical asset Change heavy in countries where climate …industries identi昀椀ed by SASB and disasters are increasingly prevalent Industry None SASB; ESG practitioners as facing physical with no 昀椀nancial backstop run the climate change risk. risk of stranding assets, increased insurance costs, and relocation costs. Industries which are repeat Transparency o昀昀enders of the US Foreign Internation; …countries that are tax havens or Corrupt Practices Act operating in Geographic None World Bank; have weak business disclosure and tax havens or countries with high Tax Justice high perceived corruption. perceived corruption are at high Network; risk of being targeted or scrutinized Business by regulators for corruption. Ethics Industries which are repeat o昀昀enders of the US Foreign Stanford FCPA …industries with high cumulative Corrupt Practices Act operating in Industry None Tracker; settlements under the Foreign tax havens or countries with high Corrupt Practices Act. perceived corruption are at high risk of being targeted or scrutinized by regulators for corruption. Industries that are highly OECD; World …countries with weak regulatory concentrated in countries with Geographic None Bank GovData quality with a high prevalence of weak regulators and known cartels 360; business cartels. are at risk of facing regulatory costs Competitive related to anticompetitive behavior. Behavior Industries that are highly OECD; US …industries with high levels of concentrated in countries with Industry None Census; anticompetitive sanctions and high weak regulators and known cartels industry concentrations. are at risk of facing regulatory costs related to anticompetitive behavior. ↗ Back to Contents
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