Preqin ESG Solutions 76 SASB ISSUE Score Type Subscores Raw Data Reading the Score Understanding the Risk Sources Industries with low unionization …countries where fundamental and low wages in countries with Geographic None ILO; OECD; labor rights are limited and limited labor rights and high unemployment is high. unemployment are at high risk of strike, increased labor costs over Labor time, or regulatory oversight. Practices Industries with low unionization …industries where unionization and low wages in countries with Industry None US BLS; rates are high and median pay is limited labor rights and high low. unemployment are at high risk of strike, increased labor costs over time, or regulatory oversight. …countries with limited Industries with high injury or Alsamawi et fundamental labor rights, high fatality rates in countries with weak Geographic None al (2017); UN work related fatalities, and weak oversight of labor are at a high risk Employee GovData 360; regulatory oversight. of strike, increased labor costs, or Health & market access loss. Safety Industries with high injury or …industries with high lost time to fatality rates in countries with weak Industry None US BLS; injuries or high fatalities. oversight of labor are at a high risk of strike, increased labor costs, or market access loss. Education risk Industries that require highly subscore; UNESCO; …countries with highly educated, educated and highly paid talent in Gender OECD; The highly paid workforces with countries with accessible talent Geographic opportunity Times; IPU; untapped gender-related have a high risk of competitive Employee subscore; World Bank; workforces. employee attraction dynamics and Engagement, Employee increasing employee costs. Diversity & cost Inclusion subscore; Industries that require highly educated and highly paid talent in Industry None US BLS; …industries with highly paid, highly countries with accessible talent educated employees. have a high risk of competitive employee attraction dynamics and increasing employee costs. Industries with limited product OCED; World …countries that generate signi昀椀cant life-cycle design contingencies in Geographic None Bank; UNU-IAS; waste with limited or unknown countries with waste management Product recycling capabilities. weaknesses face higher regulatory Design & and environmental risks and costs. Life-cycle Industries with limited product Management …industries identi昀椀ed by SASB life-cycle design contingencies in Industry None SASB; and ESG practicitioners as facing countries with waste management product life-cycle risk. weaknesses face higher regulatory and environmental risks and costs. National Industries that underspend on Science …countries with limited expenditure future proo昀椀ng in countries with Geographic None Foundation; or experience in science and limited focus on research, science, UNESCO; research. and patents are more susceptible Business OECD; to sudden market change or losing Model out on innovation. Resilience Industries that underspend on National future proo昀椀ng in countries with Industry None Science …industries that, on average, spend limited focus on research, science, Foundation; less on research and development. and patents are more susceptible to sudden market change or losing out on innovation. ↗ Back to Contents
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