Preqin ESG Solutions 75 SASB ISSUE Score Type Subscores Raw Data Reading the Score Understanding the Risk Sources Data intense industries operating ITU; World …countries with high populations in countries with high online Geographic None Bank; with internet access and mobile populations are at greater risk of banking. data breaches and regulatory costs Data Security associated with data protection. Data intense industries operating Verizon; in countries with high online Industry None Ponemon …data intense industries. populations are at greater risk of Institute; data breaches and regulatory costs associated with data protection. Industries o昀昀ering basic needs Chandy and in countries with high rates of Geographic None Seidel (2017); …countries with high income income inequality or poverty face World Data inequality or poverty rates. market access risk and brand Lab; OECD; risk correlating with pricing and Access & business practices. A昀昀ordability Industries o昀昀ering basic needs …industries identi昀椀ed by SASB and in countries with high rates of Industry None SASB; ESG practitioners as facing material income inequality or poverty face a昀昀ordability risks. market access risk and brand risk correlating with pricing and business practices. Recall Industries where warranty costs subscore; …countries with high discretionary are high in countries with high Geographic Consumer OECD; Preqin; spending per capita in jurisdictions recall rates or consumer spending Product spending with high recall rates. are more likely to see higher costs Quality & subscore; in the event of a product failure. Safety Industries where warranty costs Kale, …industries with high warranty are high in countries with high Industry None Meneghetti, costs as a percentage of sales. recall rates or consumer spending Shahrur (2010); are more likely to see higher costs in the event of a product failure. Industries where consumer safety Preexisting risk is a byproduct of product condition World Bank; …countries with a populations of usage in countries with existing Geographic subscore; WHO; Gallup; high health risk factors and limited health risks and limited safety Safety net social safety nets. nets are more likely to see higher subscore; regulatory costs and market access Customer loss. Welfare Industries where consumer safety …industries identi昀椀ed by SASB, risk is a byproduct of product the FTC, and ESG practitioners as usage in countries with existing Industry None FTC; SASB; facing material consumer safety health risks and limited safety risks. nets are more likely to see higher regulatory costs and market access loss. OECD; United …countries where consumer Industries with unfettered access Nations spending is high and consumer to high spending consumer cohorts Geographic None Conference protection legislation is neither are at a high risk of loss of product Selling on Trade and pending nor passed. market access in the event of Practices Development; widespread fraudulent selling. & Product Industries with unfettered access Labeling …industries identi昀椀ed by SASB and to high spending consumer cohorts Industry None SASB; ESG practitioners as facing material are at a high risk of loss of product misselling risk. market access in the event of widespread fraudulent selling. ↗ Back to Contents
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