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Preqin ESG Solutions 7 Why Preqin ESG Solutions? Quite simply Our core strength is the ability to foster and expand our because we relationships with the key market participants. After more have the than 20 years of collecting, verifying, and curating disclosed information, our database, which provides comprehensive relationships, coverage1 of 昀椀nancial data on the alternatives market, is expertise, considered best-in-class. As the leading provider of alternative experience, investments data, we are in a unique position to deliver sustainable investment solutions built on this foundation. and data. To be certain we’re focusing on what our clients need, we have assembled an ESG Advisory Council, consisting of academics with expertise in private markets and ESG, as well as 15 to 20 fund managers, institutional investors, and service providers, representing $3.4tn in assets under management. Feedback from the Council, which meets annually to discuss our research and development process, ensures our product re昀氀ects the best practices of sustainable investment and is aligned with the requirements of private market practitioners. We have years of hands-on private markets experience in supporting alternatives professionals with data, insights, and market intelligence. We understand how critical a core set of reliable, actionable ESG data points is for sustainable investment. That is why we built a strong, dedicated ESG team to gather sustainability-related data points from every possible corner. Where these data points do not exist, we provide you with viable estimates, based on multiple auxiliary data sources (both proprietary and public) and innovative in-house models. ↗ Back to Contents

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