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Preqin ESG Solutions 6 Additional data on commitments, compliance, ESG practices and ESG team enables clients to verify not only if a fund manager has a sustainability policy, but also if it has the prerequisites for this policy to be successful. Considered together, these elements give clients a full picture of a fund and the practices of its management. At the level of institutional investor, the ESG Pro昀椀les module complements our comprehensive private capital dataset and Insights+ o昀昀ering. The private capital dataset provides detailed information on each allocator’s past investments, mandates, investment preferences and strategies. The Insights+ service provides our clients with investor outlook, allocator news and exclusive research insights. Additional information on investors’ ESG mandates, their ESG management practices and a昀케liations, and the ESG team itself, provides our clients with a detailed picture of each investor’s management practices. ↗ Back to Contents

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