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Preqin ESG Solutions 5 Product The functionality of Preqin ESG Solutions is delivered through modularity three modules: • ESG Pro昀椀les quanti昀椀es, visualizes, and compares the key aspects of ESG management across fund managers and institutional investors active in the alternative assets industry. • ESG Risk Analytics measures the exposure of an investment to ESG factors that could materialize as costs. It also delivers proxies of private companies’ performance against risk across three key sustainability factors: carbon emissions, water withdrawals and employee turnover. • Impact Potential streamlines initial evaluation of the potential future positive impact of the components of your portfolio. Synergies Our ESG modules synergize on three di昀昀erent levels. At the level of an individual asset, ESG Risk Analytics and Impact Potential complement our Company Intelligence and Asset Level Benchmarks o昀昀ering with actionable, non-昀椀nancial data. The Company Intelligence module provides information regarding an asset’s performance, 昀椀nancials, management team and the new fundraising rounds. Anonymized, aggregated Asset Level Benchmarks enable alternative assets professionals to compare their investments with that of other market players. Additional data on ESG risk exposures, performance against sustainability risks and impact potential provides you with a 360-degree view of an asset and its performance in di昀昀erent scenarios. At the level of an investment fund and its portfolio, ESG Pro昀椀les, ESG Risk Analytics and Impact Potential modules complement our private capital dataset and Private Capital Benchmarks o昀昀ering. Our private capital dataset provides information on investment strategies, investment preferences and portfolio composition of fund managers and individual funds. It also enables Preqin Pro users to track fund manager’s previous investments. Non-anonymized Private Capital Benchmarks enable our clients to compare a fund’s performance against its peers. ↗ Back to Contents

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